Realistically, how do we defeat the holocaust myth?

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what myth? Himmler literally admitted the Nazis were exterminating millions of Jews in his Posen speeches. The audio tapes exist and everything. Denying the Holocaust is like believing in flat earth. it's retard shit.

>Oy Vay!

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People will just quit caring once the boomers die out. The jews will need a new thing to milk.


>he audio tapes exist and everything
You mean those recently found tapes that came out right when voice mimicking technology is pretty much perfected? Top zozzle my man

The tapes exist
(((Transcripts))) are all you'll find

Discovered in 1970, faggot

That’s probably because they were getting beat in the balls to death to admit to crimes they did not commit. They were literally forced at the threat of a painful severe death, to admit atrocities that never happened. This is why they had that cyanide tooth (the lucky ones), so they could off themselves before getting tortured forced to admit things you didn’t do and then hanged. Happens all the time throughout history.

by exagerating it, even more than they already do.

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>Discovered in 1970
>Released in 2022

Makes perfect sense.
Personally my favourite currently is the one from Renee Schultz (Jew) who's crying about how much a neighbour having a swastika in his front yard offends her, and I quote, "on behalf of the 800 million Jews who died".

Doesn't matter whether it happened or not, cause once people get redpilled, they'll make sure it happens.

Hyper inflation is here.

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There's no such admission on any of the tapes.
It is yet another case of jews taking statements out of context and imagining some weird coded language of innuendo "well here's what he really meant to say" type of schizo nonsense.

Himmler describes the EVACUATION of the jews which he very clearly labels as such at the beginning of the recording. In other words, their removal from german cities and placement in camps.

Anytime anyone ever brings it up immediately dismiss it as complete bullshit. Choose words carefully but just break down the numbers and laugh at them for believing such obvious bs. If they get defensive then just dismiss them and scoff like they're trying to convince you the easter bunny is real

>they masturbated 300 of us to death every hour but I hid in the cum tanks for 8 months eating nothing but semen
>I believe a part of those men lives on inside me to this day

By hunting down those responsible.

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I’ve looked into the Posen speeches and there is reason to be highly sceptical of it.

The 1st reason is the fact that the main criminal word used in the speech “ausrottung” also has a very literal translation to English, Aus means out and Rott means root, a literal translation to English would translate to “uproot” however due to the general nature of how words work this wouldn’t necessarily be the case. “Ex” in Latin means out and “terminus” means border but “exterminate” obviously doesn’t mean “out of border,” that’s why a more accurate translation would be “extirpate.”

So that’s why you’d need to take a careful look at the contents of the speech to determine if it’s accurate. there are key passages in the speech which would cast serious doubt on the official interpretation of the speech. Himmler says “The Jewish people are being ‘exterminated'(extirpated), says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, ‘elimination’ (extirpation) of the Jews”

1. Notice how Himmler specifically mentions party members, not necessarily the SS but party members, this shows Himmler is specifically talking about the party. He then boldly announces that “every party member” is aware of the extermination policy of the Jews and that it’s “obvious” even though it was top secret, so top secret in fact that all German documents use code words and euphemisms when talking about it.

2. Himmler then uses a very specific and important word. In relation to the Nazi party, Himmler calls it a “program,” this is important because the Nazis do have a 25 point program (which says nothing about killing Jews) that was established in 1925, it states: "Citizen can only be who is a member of the people. A member of the people is who is of German blood, with no regard to the confession. No Jew can therefore be a member of the people,” this would also fit with the revisionist interpretation of Himmler’s words.

In relation to Himmler’s oct 6 speech Irving testified at the Ernst Zundel trial saying: "Himmler saying: "The hard decision had to be taken to make this race disappear from earth." [...] the remarkable fact that precisely at this point the typescript changes, a page appears to have been inserted by a different typist, the numeration of the pages changes from a typewritten page number at the top to a pencilled page number at the top, and there are various other indications about that speech that make me queasy. [...] Irving pointed out that what was contained in these pages "changes very much the essence of the speech, depending on whether it is an authentic transcript of the speech or whether that has been tampered with for some reason...I don't think we need to know the motives of people tampering with speeches. It is sufficient for historians to look at a document and say 'This document has been tampered with'; for him then to say, 'In that case, I must set it aside.' [...] at that point in the script, the page relating that very damaging and incriminating sentence has quite clearly been retyped by a different typist on a different typewriter using different carbon paper, and that page has been numbered by pencil and inserted at that point [...] he doesn't make this statement anywhere else when he's delivering almost identical speeches to...similar audiences [...] this isn't just any page...I suppose it is probably the most important page of the most important speech in the whole of the Holocaust history, and this page, of all pages, when we look at it, turned out to have been tampered with."

With the basic mathematics of cremating 6 million bodies.

Himmlers Posen speech is quite complicated, I believe it's possible himmler is referring both to literal evacuations and executions of jews in partisan warfare.

What I do know though is that the mainstream view of the Posen speeches is definitely flawed and that can be proven.

"Ich Meine die judenevakuierung"

He says what he's talking about exactly.

Let the white race die off, as they are the only goys who actually fall for it and suck off Jews

Even if the holocaust were fake it would be foolish to question it. The instant you start talking about it people write you off as an evil Nazi, anti-semitic, whatever. Better to just be like "Yeah, that was bad."

If you're going to question it I think it's much better to talk about how the holocaust is taught. It wasn't the first genocide, wasn't the first modern genocide, wasn't the most recent genocide, wasn't the worst genocide. Why do American schools focus on it so much? Americans never participated in the holocaust and stopped it so why are we made to feel guilty about it?

Questioning the holocaust is the greatest sign of integrity someone can display in the modern world.

If you do not question it, you signal yourself as a frightened cow. That is sometimes a good idea for your own survival, but when you do it, it kills your soul.

Interesting, holohoaxers will certainly be fumbling over their words trying to explain how Hitler isn't meticulously explaining the secret plan of the Habsberg monarchy to exterminate the germans but Himmler is with the jews.

Critical Race Theory is tantamount to Holocaust Theory.