
Should it be outlawed? Would certainly solve a lot of problems. Inb4
>muh socialization
That’s what siblings are for
>muh immunity
Getting recurrent lung and ear infections aren’t actually good for you long term that’s a cope.

Getting rid of daycare would not only mean kicking women out of the workforce it would make routine child vaccinations wholly unnecessary as the current schedule is built around daycare kids.

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if you leave your kids with other people besides immediate family for most o the day you have failed as a parent


Stupid women leaving their kids to be a wagie in a cagie

fpbp /thread

My mom and dad couldnt afford to stay home and take care of me so I had to go to day care no matter how much I cried and how mean the teachers were to me.
Women need to stay home again, I understand the issue of a single mom not being able to take care of her kids in the olden days unless she sold her body and shit, But man Idk it seems so fucked up that you need nearly 3 incomes now to take care of your family.

>My mom and dad couldnt afford to stay home and take care of me
Bullshit that's a cope.
Truth is they didn't love you as much as you want to believe.
Start living in reality.
You don't have to hate them for it. But don't lie to yourself. Don't give others that bullshit excuse.

I dunno, I had a lot of fun at Daycare, and made lots of friends that helped me grow socially. But I also got molested there by a girl who was, very clearly in retrospect, getting molested by her dad or brother or something.
So it's a mixed bag.

>3 kids in daycare
>2400 a month
>wife having number 4 in november
>daycare will go up $900
can’t wait

Why isn’t your wife, or your mom/dad or your wife’s mom/dad the “daycare”

I remember daycare, which is strange I guess.

I remember being sent to a cheap daycare in a shitty blue collar neighborhood.

From this I remember:

What it smells like when a giant pot of diapers gets boiled.

Niggers and Indians are actually non-verbal until five or six, all of them were retards that could not talk yet, I recall this very clearly. Asian and Native American kids did not have this issue and were normal.

One time this Ukranian kid poked me in the eye for no reason (he was a non-verbal retard, but white, I was confused and tried to talk to him).

From these experiences, later in life, I knew that:

A curry nigger in my crowded apartment building occasionally boils up a big pot of dirty diapers. However, unlike the daycare I went to, they do not add bleach and it stinks the whole building up like raw shit. I can tell from the smell, 100% sure, no other smell like it, remember it like I was 4 years old yesterday.

The stats on niggers being non verbal until 5 or 6 are also 100% true. They were actually just fucking dumb and all they could do is stare at you and look confused.

The war in the Ukraine was 100% justified.

I would say that in the early 90s, shitty blue collar daycare was a negative, but beneficial experience. Today, though, most daycares are probably fucked up nigger zoos that no white person should ever leave their kid in.

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Monkey POCs

Have your wife stay home and save that money instead?

i was sent to daycare and i don;t remember anything from it at all. that place molded me before i could even form memories, there's no telling how much it fucked me up. also i'm circumcised. i haven't talked to my parents in years.

you must be a horrible father lmao.

Lots of white babies die in daycare due to abuse/being shaken/overdosed on Benadryl. Literally happens all the time. Nobody loves your baby like you do and so handing them off to a stranger is like the dumbest thing you could ever do if you actually love your kids.

I’m sorry, user. I want to break the cycle for kids like you. Every child deserves a stay at home mom.

My kids have a nanny who is basically their slave.

My mom is a BPD psycho that tried to kill me at least twice.

just a reminder human pitbulls exist in real life. I hope you have some way of keeping an eye on this person. Even if you "you trust them".

>me and wife have to work so I can afford day care
>daycare pays more than wife's salary
lmao, lol even

Apparently there was a huge problem with this in Rhodesia.

The niggers were poisoning their kids and they still wanted to think it was a political conflict.

Still better than daycare

Are child expenses reimbursable? f

Yeah I really never got this it’s obviously cheaper to just have your wife stay home

Usually not no.

Oh, Some bitches are too brainwash. They find more value on the workforce than to be a stay at home Mom. Fools they have no idea is the other way around.