I had no idea it was this bad. H.R.1808 must pass. Looks like Manchin will be getting on board...

I had no idea it was this bad. H.R.1808 must pass. Looks like Manchin will be getting on board. It's finally time to remove weapons of mass destruction from redneck hands.

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Fuck off


Could be worse.
Getting shot with an AK-15 fully semi automatic assault shotgun with 30 clips per minute can fuck you up.
Imagine every atom in your body simultaneously exploding at the speed of light.

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They literally think guns are like the spirit gun from yu yu hakusho

>implying they aren't

>With a car, I can crush 3 nigger sculls at the same time
>With a truck, I can crush 5
>With a Ryder van I can do anything!
fuck off back to plebbit 1PBTID faggot troon.

Ah that explains why we never saw the scene at Sandy Hook. They were all disintegrated! Lanza must have learned secret nazi techniques from the dark web.

>With a Ryder van I can do anything!
I love you guys sometimes, no homo

>5.56 rounds are futuristic anti-matter disintegrators
I'm so tired of stupid people talking. It's time to ban normies off the internet, they had their chance.

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I saw that black lady in the grocery story levitate the wound was so bad. It cauterized everything on the way out so there was no blood. That’s how bad it was. If she weren’t so dead she be shaking …literally


>Looks like Manchin will be getting on board.

you'll need 10 republican senators to commit career suicide to get it past the senate.

You should go back also retard

Watched some faggot suck start his c7 once. Made a pretty big hole in the top his head.

It really is amazing how willing they are to stand in front of a camera and say this shit. It's like someone who's never done a kidney transplant going on TV and saying "it's a known fact that the kidneys dance the macarena when they're outside of a body; that's why you have to do it quick".

>many of the bodies no longer exist
Is that what happened to the 6 gorillion?

>muh magic piece of toilet paper

its all so tiresome

>The victim's skull explodes on impact

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We need higher qualifications for government officials. More engineers and less everyone else.

A hunting rifle can be used to kill lots of people. This is pure theatre.


>with assault rifles exit wounds can be a foot wide
wait until she sees what a revolver can do

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