
Well boys, be honest... Am I a fucking jew???

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Do you like money?

Not sure. Could just be a beaner.

As much as the next guy, but i kinda spend it like a nigger

No. That’s a Roman nose

probably... most white americans have eastern european jew in them.

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put the nose down son

Side profile please, kike

you really felt the need to put a pic of your disgusting face on the internet?
why are people like this

>It's been nothing but spam threads all day because someone doxxed he ADL last night


Irish if not Jewish. Maybe Welsh.

nobody cares . stop attention whoring. more died this week from non viral related instances than they are admitting. like 75% economic related . failed home invasions

>but i kinda spend it like a nigger
You sound like a mutt then unable to save and think ahead. Do you spend on stupid shit? If so then you're not jewish you're what jews expect a slave.

You sound jewish sir

I buy shit I dont need like solar inverters, extra ammo, new tires dumb shot like that. I have a salary job so i have some savings as well but nothing impressive

I was sitting here talking shot about a kid on stranger things for having a big nose and my wife said "who you calling jew big nose" and it hit me hard bros

you look like some kind of nigger spic mutt gonna say your not kosher

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I never knew I had a big nose is the fucked up part, nobody ever said

imagine wanting to be a jew…

Why have you lubed up for nose? Can Jews jerk their nose off like it's a dick?