Tucker carlson is showing studies about the vaxx being a killshot! WE ARE BEING PUBLICLY VINDICATED FINALLY!

Imagine being a vaxxnigger. Lol, LMFAO EVEN!!!

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Link nigger

Turn on fox ITS HAPPENING!


IMAGINE having cable

Fake and gay

Just like covid

not bumping this thread. herb'd all fields.
give link or fuck off frognigger

I'm the last of my kind in my family (not including extended family, just my family and grandparents) who hasn't gotten vaxxed.

Just drop this shit right now.

Live broadcast wait 10 hrs for the upload


Only after half of humanity's been injected with it

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Anyone got the Day of the Rope Tucker?

Yea same dude. The reaper will come for all vaxxies. Nothing we can do but come to terms

Redditors are so fucking cringe lmao

God damn, it feels good to be pure. O-, blonde with green eyes and pure white skin.
Life is good.

that implies you care what other people think or believe that what they think matters and that a FOX news host saying something is going to sway the people who have been calling for FOX to be shut down for decades

Carlson could say that water is wet and there'd be a front-page reddit thread about how ackshuelly water is not wet the next day

you are simply insane if you think the mainstream will ever reverse on this issue, you are probably 12 years old and have never heard of the polio vaccine, or the Cutter vaccine scandal, which is said to have killed a ton of people (more people than polio typically killed in a year in that era), or how no one was ever punished, the polio vaccine was not withdrawn and banned, there was no special investigation, no tribunal, no reconciliation commission, no executions, no protests and riots, nothing - you've never even heard of it! and people kept injecting their kids with polio vaccine like nothing happened, to this day

and that isn't the only vaccine scandal, lol, you've never heard of any of them, nothing ever happened to the responsible parties
Fauci was involved in the approval of AZT for GRIDS, which then killed thousands of people, now he's the highest paid public employee of the US government lololol LMAO

Youre an idiot chud shut the fuck up

>vindication doesn't save the lives they killed

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A toast.

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for the non americans who arent used to your tv, you may provide a link?

>holy shit the BOOMER king has spoken on a subject!
>Any Forums had this info for a long time
fox news cucks are some of the most pathetic niggers on this board, keep posting bidet stickers and voting

I was warned by no one less than the Holy Spirit himself. Get saved, Anons