Pierre Pollievre here

Pierre Pollievre here,
I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to make Canada the freest place on earth. I’m also going to make the PPC irrelevant with my big PPC. PPC shills might come here to shill, but I ask them HOW MANY seats they helped the liberals win in the last election? The answer is enough to ensure he had another government. They will cope and seethe stalling me a globohomo shill, but their precious “mad max” openly endorsed UN initiatives. Have a nice night and stop living in your parents basement.

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fuckoff povertyking

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is that you Hans?

Hey Pierre, what's your favorite artillery piece? I'm a fan of rocket artillery myself, and I like the Nebelwerfer.

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Eat my balls, faggot.
You won’t even be elected leader of your party. Charest will win.
Get ready for a Purple wave.

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I love how boomers are terrified of rattling the cage by nominating someone 0.00001 cm to the right of trudeau. I keep hearing fears of PP being "too radical to win", meanwhile they keep shoehorning unelectable milquetoast faggots who stand for nothing. Charest is just another O'Fool who'll peddle DOOD CENTRISM as a platform

The problem is in Canada, we do not have right leaning medias, like Fox. All medias are left leaning, resulting in any right lean8mg politician being labeled the next incarnation of Adolf. Politicians are terrified of being labeled Racist so they keep to Center.

PP is the only hope this country has left.
And even then it will only be for one term because the pajeet horde will get citizenship and elect liberals for eternity until there is nothing left.

God speede mr Poilievre.

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Neocon mass immigration shill. Today, I will remind them. Pierre shills never respond to this
>Q. I’m still not sure if I understand what Pierre Poilievre’s Canada looks like. In 20 years, when your career is over, what would you consider a success?

>A. That Canada is the freest place in the world. That hundreds of thousands of immigrants want to come here every year because they know it’s the best place on Earth in which to work hard, start a business, raise their kids, earn a scholarship and achieve their dreams.


Hundreds of thousands of immigrants want (and do) go to the USA every year, and yet every canadian conservative would sell their internal organs for a chance to move there.

>says absolutely nothing of value
The difference is that it's white net contributors that leave canada and brown third world shitskins who enter. I'll be leaving too. Fuck this joke of a country where our savior is a mass immigration shill

The only alternative we have is to re-elect Trudeau. How do you justify that?

no niggers
no jews

doesn't have to be any more complicated than that

hello nigger. when is your "kill yourself" date?

I can't believe our media were all calling Christy Clark a moderate conservative. She's only moderate in the sense that there's a shared corruption between many Liberal and Tory governments that stay in power for too long. Her provincial cabinet ministers should have had to testify under oath instead of the government settling with the defendants by giving THEM millions of dollars in the bc rail trial. BC Liberals should have gone to jail.

Systemic political change. I don't believe in democracy

Something that will never happen in this country, so let me ask again.
We have 2 real options:
- Niggers, more guns, more pipelines, less taxes, more homes. (pierre)
- Niggers, no guns, socialism, more taxes, less freedom of speech (trudeau)

Its a simple question, user: How do YOU justify picking the latter?

I'm done supporting the lesser of two evils, simple as. I refuse to take part in the false dichotomy.
>we can walk over the cliff, or we can run. You must pick one
No thanks I don't think I will

That's not povertyking numb nuts

No, I don't think you understand.
You WILL pick one of the two, no matter what your opinion is your actions will directly result in a choice between the two.
So, how do you justify effectively acting towards another Trudeau government?

its a simple question user, please answer it.

Nice pilpul attempt but it won't work on me. I already answered your question succinctly
>t. ppc voter

>t ppc voter
A simple answer will suffice user, how do you justify in your head, the fact that you are effectively voting for Trudeau?
It shouldn't be hard to answer...

Very short and clear answer. You won't convince to me participate in the humiliation ritual of supporting the lesser of two evils

There's no hope in voting you fool. You're just being controlled.

But you ARE supporting the greater of two evils... how do you not understand this?
The liberals biggest wet dream is to make conservative men so demoralized that they don't reproduce or vote, congratulations for being their pawn.

Honestly this is a pity (you) from me. I generally don't even bother to engage with anyone who thinks we can still vote our way out of this mess. Don't worry though, champ. One day you'll understand that supporting any evil is a reprehensible act

Why? The right continuously thinking they can change things through voting is a bigger boon to the system.
I'd love the day the whole right stayed home on election day. Do you know what that would mean? That everyone on the right would have stopped believing or having faith
in democracy working, but they still want change so what do you think happens next?

Ug, he has such a creepy face. Like a pedo or something,he talks a good talk but pretty sure he was groomed by wef. problem is there is no accountability.

I am as right wing as you are, we are both posting on Any Forums after all, I am simply not retarded enough to think doing nothing is better than doing something.
Even if voting is fake, how do you justify not voting just in case? How do you justify acting towards the re-election of the liberal government as an immature protest to own the libs in your own mind?
I just want to understand.
Nice fantasy, will never happen because there is no "right" in this country except the 5% delusional PPC voters who don't realise we live in a non-player-character majority country.
So, how do you justify actively working towards more Trudeau governments?

I assume neither of you are immortal and probably 20-35 years old, how do you justify giving the liberals the 12 best years of your life to destroy your nation with full control?
Please answer.

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PPC will never win, no matter how hard anyone wishes.

>how do you justify giving the liberals the 12 best years of your life to destroy your nation
the only conclusion I can draw is that you have been so deeply demoralized by their campaigns that you do not care about the immediate future or the future for your children (if you had any, because at that level of demoralization I can basically guarantee you are not married)

>hello fellow right wingers
I'll be voting for the party that stands for what i believe in instead of humiliating myself by picking the left or the right hand of the slavedriver like a good little citizen. this is very simple
>look, basically im just going to keep voting for the PPC.
>i know i know!!!!

Trust me, i wish the PPC could win as much as you do, if not more.
However, I know that voting for them is exactly what the liberals want.
How do you justify being a puppet of JT?
Or do you seriously think the liberals don't have operatives on Any Forums trying to push ppc??lmao.

its very telling that (you) haven't been able to give a coherent answer to any of my questions, leads me to believe that (you) are one of said liberal D&C shills sent here.