American Civil War

FOR 150 YEARS you could mention the Civil War and you'd get intellectual discourse supporting both the North AND the South. Historians who rally around Robert E Lee and the southern cause. Within the last 5 years that has all been destroying and reduced down to
>You know the Confed-

Those brave and genius generals will not be forgotten

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Feds pass a law
States refuse to enforce law
Feds do nothing

Why do yankees think their government has any legitimacy?

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Even mainstream conservatives will still talk as you describe about the civil war. don't worry about about the libs. They'll just get hated more and more until they finally don't breed into extinction.

You havent gotten the memo? america is no longer a white country, your descendants will be SLAVES to mexicans and niggers

Shelbey Foote did the rest of the South a real solid for taking part in that.

>While Foote's work was mostly well-received during his lifetime, it has been criticized by academics in the 21st century, and he has been criticized for his sympathy towards Lost Cause mythology and admiration of cavalry commander and first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forrest

>don't worry about about the libs
Conservatives have been saying this for decades. Still hasn't worked out. Let me give you a hint: they are being created in an environment that conservatives create through the free market and Christian (proto-commie/proto-nihilistic) "values". Conservatives create liberals, their kids become liberals. YOUR kids will become fags and get brainwashed by corporations shilling liberal bullshit because through Reagonomics you gave them power. Conservatives don't actually conserve anything.

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"Lost Cause mythology" a piss-poor strawman that gets slapped on anyone practicing objectivity.

Confederates are basically Nazis now. Deal with it chuds

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Civil War talk used to be done civily by north and south. Both respected each other's views and didn't see the other as the enemy.
But know faggot immigrant nigger spics, (who don't even have ancestors who fought in the war nor would they be willing to fight it themselves) feel they have the right to open their mouths.
I apologize southern bros. We will take those faggots out together

The Civil War was ground-zero for the type of catastrophic ideological virtue-signaling without regard to the real world consequences that define the Democrat party to this very day.

The civil war was a war of conquest between an industrial yeoman republic and a neo-feudal christian republic

The Civil War was prosecuted to kill off the "American Aristocracy" (Southern Land holders) and transfer the hegemony over agricultural production to Liberals in the north, forever

What laws are you talking about? There are plenty of rulings in courts that play out over years but if states can't ignore laws because local courts will listen to federal over state anyway. Feds don't need to do anything when local judges bend the knee. If Federal law was ever seriously undermined that would be a big fucking deal.

True. While it is the case that libs are significantly below replacement level (1.3-1.5) they foster environments that breeds more libs and misery. I will also say though that dumbass fundamentalist protestants are a major reason why the last few generations have leaned so far left. Instead of engaging people and thoroughly explaining WHY their lifestyle choices/hobbies are shit, it is usually some culmination of
>REEEEE you are a horrible person who is going to hell!

There is also the fact that most boomers neglected the shit out of their children and left them to be raised by television, teachers and their peers instead of taking the responsibility onto themselves. A good half of my generation, both men and women, have zero traditional skills, including cooking.

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>they foster environments that breeds more libs and misery
Well it's conservatives who do that. Read Acts 4:33, that's what conservatives want you to read??? Wage stagnation is why you have fags and trannies and whatever else. Conservatives creating wagecucks is the source of all degeneracy.
>most boomers neglected the shit out of their children
Because they were and are wagecucks. They couldn't afford to have mom stay at home. It's their fault for thinking that Reagan would help.

I think there is a really large disconnect between the average person who happened to be pressed into service and the aristocrats who were playing "the game" of nation building. I had 11 family members fight on the confederate side of the war and 13 on the Union. My family didn't particularly give a shit about slavery as they were too poor to own any (and slaver farms put them out of business) but was more worried about their local community being plundered and the well being of their state.

southerners were so fucking lazy they had to import niggers to ruin this continent :(

*Acts 4:32

>the aristocrats who were playing "the game" of nation building
My ancestors (those aristocrats) had the same logic as the rest of the South: do not invade my fucking home. The draft was a horrible mistake though and very un-American.

I don't recall southerners letting them loose.

>Well it's conservatives who do that. Read Acts 4:33, that's what conservatives want you to read??? Wage stagnation is why you have fags and trannies and whatever else. Conservatives creating wagecucks is the source of all degeneracy.
I think the issue may be moving away from rural living in all honesty. Suburban culture is hell and doesn't let you provide for yourself in any meaningful way. The only way to "win" is to run the rat race, where as its totally opposite of rural living where you can basically do anything provided you have the will and knowledge.
I spent 8 months in Georgia in a cob/timber framed cottage living with no electricity, a hand pumped well for water, eating my own food that I grew in raised beds, trapping and raising ducks/chickens. It was the most real thing I ever felt and I want to go back. It was so freeing and time just seemed to melt away.

>Because they were and are wagecucks. They couldn't afford to have mom stay at home. It's their fault for thinking that Reagan would help.
Honestly, Reagan is a bit of a blank to me other than he let millions of illegals have amnesty (gay) and started gun control measures (also gay)

There have been several phases of civil war scholarship over the decades where different views prevailed but you're correct. Today there is no intellectual discourse, only current year propaganda.

My brother in Christ the Democratic party has needed to import tens of millions of browns for years under the promise of free stuff to stay relevant. Politics have a genetic component.

Jews brought them over retard. Civil War wasn't about slavery. It was about who controlled America's Bank. The confederacy was manipulated by the Jewish slave owners to revolt so the Jewish bankers in Europe could take over the U.S. bank

Lincoln ran on a policy of overturning jacksonian economic policy and giving jews more control of american finance. If anyone tells you jews lost the civil war they are lying to you.

Actually the funny thing about that is that its repeating itself with illegal migrant labor here too. All the normal farms where families lived generationally and worked on a homestead were pushed out by larger land owning slave farms who continued to buy up land and import more slaves. The only way to actually compete was to use slave labor, and lots of it.
Local farms here in my state are dealing with the same shit. They hire illegal spics for 8/hr, run them through the ringer then move them over to the next farm for more seasonal work until they go back home. Local farms can't compete because you have to hire someone for ATLEAST 12/hr as that is what stores here are paying. Why would you go and work in hot, miserable conditions for what is essentially minimum wage or less, when you can work in an easy, air conditioned customer service job like CVS for nearly double AND get insurance?

Based Confederacy user. DEO VINDICE!

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