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Who gives a fuck?
Italy is responsible for giving the world Hot Pockets, Chef Boyardee, and inadequate flood control.

Attached: ماشاءالله_ماشاءالله.gif (498x249, 3.24M)

i am not even particulary fond of this retard but if electing him can make those dishonest subhumans seethe i'd vote him

I don’t know what any of that means and I don’t give a fuck because I’m an American

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Fuck draghi. Globohomo faggot nobody voted for

My politics are whatever gives me cheap gas. Don't care about anything else.

Yep, cheap gas from russia too

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Italy is about the last place that is threatened by Russia, so this conflict only cost you money for no gain.

why would anyone with a sane mind support russia?

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Did he construct his own resignation?
If so, then it's the rats that are leaving a sinking ship.

>everything I don’t agree with is Russian

You forgot to change your flag, too, Moshe

Why are German names cringe?

This, whoever has a plan to make cost of living go down and taxes less has my vote, I dont give a shit if they suck Putins cock on livestream, its also a major plus if they piss off the EU

H-how about 20yo liberal girls?? They have a voice as well!

Why do Italians like to suck Russian cock so much? Is it the muslim blood? I know those mudshit shitskins do love Russia. Funny considering Putin is a jew.

I don't know man, Schrodinger's Russia is getting defeated by the ghost of kyivyiyiv BUT also threatens of occupying all of Europe at the same time
Jk, it's absolutely retarded we even got involved in this to begin with

Vaffanculo al pd, vaffanculo a draghi, anzi porci, vaffanculo all'ucraina, all'europa e bidet.

I hope nobody believes this guy is pro russia or even pro italy, he just does whatever he can to get more votes, he was literally trying to shit on russia a couple of months ago when he went to poland.

>*checks flag*
>*checks post*
>*checks flag*
huh. OP seems based, but suspicion remains...


Kek at the fact that Italy thinks it’s an important one in this at all.

Don't worry Shlomo, when the rubber meets the road Salvinistein obeys only to the Jews.

>Why do Italians like to suck Russian cock so much?
I think Russophobia makes people retarded.
Have you looked at a map?
Russia is no threat to Italy, unless Italy attack Russia. Cheap Russian resources is however good for Italy.

ye until Russia starts making all sorts of demands for that sweet gas. The jew Putin doesn't like white cities, prepare Italy to accept 1 million Africans.

>he just does whatever he can to get more votes
If closing the borders or ending the sanctions will give him votes, there is no principle stopping him.
Anything is better than the moralistic hypocrites that is the Globohomo elite.

If with the word 'it*ly' you mean your filthy dysgenic Siculo-neapolitan ethnostate, Salvinistein is definitely pro it.

>ye until Russia starts making all sorts of demands for that sweet gas
As I said
I think Russophobia makes people retarded.
Italy have nothing to gain from a conflict with Russia.

i dont know boris

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You're retarded and clearly never met a Russian nigger

>Italy changing sides halfway through a major European war
Every time

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The current Jew Strategy: "Breaking News! Good Thing Has Good Result! Kremlin Thinks It's Good So Good Thing Bad!"

>making all sorts of demands for that sweet gas.

i dont think the reestablishment of Russia in its historical pre collapse borders is a big demand. its not like Putin asks to have Alaska back... yet....

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The left did not start pushing for nigger supremacism and trannies grooming kids from one day to the other
You have to take small steps and slowly shift the overton window in your favour, it can take up to a couple decades

>corks are popping in the kremlin
>over sone irrelevant shithole country's politics
Bro why are the irish so delusional about their worth?

who the fuck actually says this garbage except cry babby russian faggots?

We'd have to take in more niggers if we stayed in EU and the fag bloc honestly

If you have seen any WWIII nuclear exchange simulation you should have noticed that 'it*ly' is going to be completely obliterated and Lombards will go extinct within the first hour.
Bullying Russia is the last thing that this garbage dump of a country needs.

Literally this.

Wasn't Salvini a Padanian separatist until not long ago?

Israeli posters have been making a lot of sense lately on Any Forums. What gives?

>You're retarded
It's you that can't understand why Italians have nothing to gain from a conflict with Russia.
>never met a Russian nigger
I have met Swedish niggers though. So many that I think you have a nigger problem.

Attached: Sweden yes.jpg (1125x1578, 872.1K)

>we deserve to have our commie empire even though nobody wants to be part of it becaauuuuse
go die vatnigger

Imagine wishing to normalize relations with the largest nuclear power on the planet.
It's almost as if these people don't want the Armageddon.

>Carl Bildt
Worst shabbos goy of all time. He might even be jewish, not sure.

the eu is the only reason you even have an economy you dumb shitalian retard. the eu's geographic indications legalizes monopolies in yurop and shitaly is one the countries that benefits the most from it. you retards have never once experienced competition in the free market which is why you're a bunch of indolent subhuman trash. do it, leave the eu it will be hilarious. no one wants shitaly on their side anyway after the absolute joke you showed yourself to be in ww2

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wait what we did again

low iq zoomer

you came into the thread without posting your hiv test results