What's up with da blacks?

Whites and Hispanics agree Biden sucks. Blacks still support him at 60%. What the fuck is wrong with them?

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should we support the other side that hates us and wants to harm us? fuck off


Never bite the hand that feeds you

Their autist darkie monkie

Years of propaganda telling them republicans are racist, and we all know how much blacks care about racism.

>the other side

They're scared he will suck the melanin out of their skin if they don't vote for him.

Biden is paying them and helping them run organized crime

Face it whites, spics will replace you. Theyre winning.

1.they know Biden is gay
2.they have trad values
3.they are having racially homogenous babies.

It could be worse, at least the spics are a semi worthy replacement. All around they're not too bad, the part where they fucked up is agreeing to work for pennies and fuck up competitive wages

niggers arent human

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Plantation mentality

Niggers must go back to Africa and then Africa cleansed of its human refuse.

The fact he has ONLY 60% approval from blacks is catastrophic for the Dems. IIRC they need to get 80+% of the Black vote to be competitive in elections.

LBJ quote

Niggers are stupid and haven't had nearly as much white/jew/asian dna mixed in to them as hispanics. It's simple.

Why is everyone trying to replace someone?

>wrong with them

The question should have been

What is not wrong with them?

Just send them back bro. Put em on a rubber raft plot a course for Africa, China, Israel or some shit then fucking pop it. Just Get Rid Of Them.

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they be retardeds n shit

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If they didn't support him they wouldn't be black anymore. The 40% are people who identify as black but have enough white admixture to be immune to the race-transforming effects of not voting for Biden.

>75 IQ

gee i wonder why niggers do stupid shit...

Blacks get gibs they don't give a shit. With biden they probably get more

>racially homogeneous


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dey need mo money fo dem programz n sheeeiiiit

Is that washed up roastie Remy LaCroix?

Niggers are dumb as bag of rocks. Always have been, always will be. They never left the plantation, they remain the property of the plantation owners.