Argentino peso falls from 300 pesos = 1 USD to 340 to 1 USD in one day. Is this the beginning of their end?

Argentino peso falls from 300 pesos = 1 USD to 340 to 1 USD in one day. Is this the beginning of their end?

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god nagatoro is so hot I want to do war crimes on her little body

Hello xi didn't knew you were a lolicon.

>Is this the beginning of their end?
It ended a long time ago


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Who cares as long as it's sunny. Argentina has lower suicide rate than Sweden.

You see putindrone, they won't die of suicide, they will die of starvation and crime

China Sama you already have a military base on our Patagonia. Please annex as vassal state and rule us directly. Niggertinians cannot into self rule. It's either (You) or angloamerican puppets (the ones right now)

You'll get all the IRL Nagatoros u want

more like the beginning of my vacation

stay in your shithole, macaco

its the beginning of cheap argentindio bussy

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That's a tranny

Oh no,no no no. We already have millions of venezuelans and now argentinians..

>Argentina has lower suicide rate than Sweden
It will increase

shut the fuck up VPN nigger
argentina is our satellite i go there whenever the fuck i want to

tell me more about niggertinian women

5,5 million ukranians in poland right now I know your struggle.

BRL 1,00 = ARS 23,59
if i go to argentina i become a millionaire

The end of their economy is the beginning of our vacation.
>it was over for Argentina a long time ago

Me estoy haciendo flor de festichola comprando en Argentina estas Ășltimas semanas ngl

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I thought Argentina was a white country?

imagine being a monkey and using eurofaggot memeflag fucking killyourself

basado como la joda

quite understandable, you should hide your memeflag too nigger

Transfer control of Argentina to Austria and we will make it great again.
First thing we'll do is to expell all non-Europeans to Brazil.
Second thing will be the conquest of Chile and Urgay. Then we'll once again expell all non-Europeans to Brazil.
We'll make Argentina the world power it was always meant to be.

>VPN nigger
stop replying to me nigger i have no interest in whaever gay shit you have to pp

As pozzed as they can get, from what ive heard

I think we're seeing the beginnings of an increased economic situation between latin america and the US that will stretch into the century.

I want to Nakadashi Nagatoro
Based Xi

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W-w-waaawt? You let the fucking Chinese onto Patagonia?

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Las Malvinas Argentinas !

Are Federal Police and FBI still covering for Hunters crack purchases and other Felonies?

"if its brown throw it in jail" Kamela Harris.

"its not about freedom or personal choice." - Covid Joe

"If you get vaccinated you will never test positive for Covid." - Dr. Joe Biden

"If you get vaccinated you will never die, feel sad, or get sick again." - CDC

"The Vaccine gives you super powers like in the marvel movies"- Dr. Jill Biden.

>First thing we'll do is to expell all non-Europeans to Brazil.
You'll be left with a population of 10k

Well to call them women would be complicated because that would imply that niggertinians are human, I'd call them female niggertinians. But ask away what do you want?

why are you filled with hatred, sit down and tell us

To the public it is a space observatory. The truth is that nobody knows what this place is since the govt has given them full rights over the place for 50 years and the treaty is secret. Nobody can pass by there, not only journalists, even people living close are told to GTFO. There's an entire neighbourhood built nearby where only chinese live

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