Prepare for the First Women President!

With Biden now having both cancer and covid at his age, the poor guy might not make it. Let us celebrate the new incoming leader of the free world, President Kamala Harris!

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She'll be such a fuck up that no one will ever vote for a woman president again. Shit will be Shakespearean

I wouldn't guess she's 57, she took better care of herself than Biden


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A nigger woman president and an asshole one.., imagine.

Btw...Kamala means terrible in finnish. So we believe than she will destroy all known world.

Oh well....time for fun.

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Her full name is actually Kamala Perkele Harris

Whore of Babylon.


Shaqweena will sure do fine

this is the correct response

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Itll be so nice to have a president who can really boogey down like that! Got to love it!

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No one will VOTE for a woman again but everyone knows in current year democrats winning is more important that not rigging the election, chud.

Worth it just to btfo Hillary lol lol lol.

Incompetent, unelected, despised. Her rule will be the of the United States. Fucking hell, stars just can't align better.

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If she did somehow seize power I would not be surprised if she is America's Stalin and does everything in her power to kill of 40% of all Americans.

Biden looks great for 107

I want fweedom

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So who would be veep? That person will run in 2024

This is all planned out


Buttjudge. She'll appoint him VP, then he'll be the heir apparent.