Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-21 at 21-19-07 Chinese youth dress as Shinzo Abe's killer ‘celebrates’ former Japan PM's death.png (554x677, 345.69K)


Based. Shinzo Abe was a nonce and so are you, PFC Gomez.

imagine doing that in PC west

China really want to ream Japan's asshole I bet.

>we failed him

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A reminder that the Chinese are their own breed of super jews.

>chang being a cuck for nippons

Any Forums would cum to the moon if the war between chinks started. Imagine all the defense tendies.

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>grey shirt
>cargo shorts
lol it would be difficult to not dress lile abes killer

>chinks are subhuman
More news at eleven!

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Kys chink

Based, Abe was a neocon jew worshipping faggot.

lmao arr rook same

>yes I am a neoliberal pederast, how could you tell

>Have se- ACK!

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china is their neighbor and many Japanese still think not having a military is essential for peace

liberal Americans are not bad in comparison.

What's a pederast, Walter?

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I can already taste it, I'm just waiting for it

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lmao based, zogbots seething

Abe was a nationalist, smart politician and a calm gentleman. Thousand times a better man than you will ever be.

At least he didn't live to see the Japanese race go extinct by choice.

People are always doing edgy shit. Here's a pic of my grandad and his friends reenacting the shooting of Michael Collins when that was considered a sensitive issue. Some people would kill them for it, but they were out in some fields and had guns exceptfor the guy who had a water gun.

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I confirm this

If he's so smart then why come he's dead? Did you own Putler yet?

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i have shares in numerous milgov companies that would definitely get more contracts to support based capitalism and ensure the destruction of communist scum

You know too late. We're already looking for a new meme.

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>Abe was a nationalist,
You are retarded.

Based ancestral micks

Based. Fuck ZioJapan. China, Russia and Iran are the last hopes.

lmao based

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I'm impressed how Japan manages to live rent-free in the heads of all other East-Asians at all times.

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Brains don't stop bullets. Putin won't do anything he's scared of our country and respects us.

PS. I like the Chinese people (especially chinese girls mmmhm) and the original culture but the CCP will always defend the banks before their own people. Communism will fail China. Yes I know you are a chink living in Canada.

Fuck off you literal pleddit tourist dumbfuck, imagine actually believes in
>muh communism vs capitalism

I have stocks in gov contractors too but I know they are dirty and I won't be simping for them like a literal retard
