Biggest problem on this board: eugenics

Entire discussions hijacked and ruined by goblins talking about racial charateristics, "are mexicans white?", disregarding the actual fucking news to focus on the complexion of the people in the photo, it's fucking retarded and should be contained on a new board called "Dumb fuckers", sometimes up to 50% of the fucking posts on this site are variations of "are x people white/black/asian", nobody ever comes to any fucking conclusion and the political discussion never even begins because autistic imbeciles have the need to racially identify people like we're in 1930s germany

"I am more white than you!! you have a slightly darker skin than me so that means you're a subhuman lmao cope seethe l+ratio" and other twitter incel dialect you keep spouting, fucking losers

Nobody in the real world gives a shit about any of this, the turks reveal a map where they intend to capture greek islands and you only keep talking about "are they white or are they black??" WHO THE FUCK CARES???TALK ABOUT THE NEWS NOT THE COMPLEXION OF THE PEOPLE

Ridicolous posts looking for the worst looking hideous people and trying to say "everybody from your country looks like this" so the other guy goes and finds pictures of hideous german people to retort, do you see how infantile and horrible this is? there are beautiful and ugly people of every race and country, populations of billions can't be categorized so neatly and doing it is a complete waste of time, can we go back to discuss the actual substance of things instead of this superficial moronic bullshit?

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That isn't what eugenics means.

Good effort and understandable frustration, but I am afraid you will come short if you expect more from this board than retardation

I don't care what it is, these dumbfuck unproductive discussions need to stop, it's moronic and doesn't help anybody, it's just ugly thinking

No. It's woman, followed by jews and then nigger.

You dont know what eugenics is.

Light skin is simply a heuristic for having a soul and capability to create the type of world we want to live in. That is not proving not totally true, but the opposite (less white skin = shitter place) does generally hold

Says the shit skinned Italian, YWNBW

But yeah OP I get what you’re saying, definitely right on some level

nothing of any value has ever been said about women in the entire history of this website, yet another good 30% of daily posts are unironic dissertations about how "women are damaged" which are just a way for incels to justify and cloak their dissatisfaction with their own lives, because for everybody else in the world reading this shit is genuinely like entering a schizophrenic's mind, they're describing a reality that doesn't fucking exist

and with race you indians are among the worst offenders, so fucking insecure and autistic about how you look, listen if you're a fucking ugly indian or german it doesn't matter one bit if OTHER indian or german people are beautiful, you are still a fat indian ugly motherfucker, think about improving your own situation instead of shielding yourself with "my race is superior to yours because 2000 years ago this happened"

it's all irrelevant to our lives and the world we live in, it's a waste of time

Keys cuck

Your first mistake was trying to have productive discussion here

yet it happens sometimes, and when it does it's by far the most productive discussion you can have on the entire internet, because of no censorship and anonimity, you could be talking to fucking elon musk and not even know it on Any Forums and that's why I stick with it, but a good 90% of the content on here is just histrionic autism, people pretending to care about edgy things and being unproductive in their lives while blaming it on "the system"

We're in incredibly unprecedented times yet still most content on this board is about how women are all whores, trannies and racial charateristics of people in pictures, oh and twitter screenshots that's the other main course on here

is there some alternative where all this bullshit gets filtered?

You sure are a gluton for punishment, but, ultimately truthful, and good job presenting yourself, faggot.

Bippidy boppidy boopio, fahget about it. I make a da tomato sauce my mamma use to make In the old country!

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The point of life is to spread your genes.

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But not your ideology and hatred

nice spergout, ya medi-mutt

not my fault all italians look like this

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Whiter than you Luigi

I don't think so, spreading your genes is one of the many possible points of life, but I don't see how this fits with mexican morons trying to racially define americans in every second post on this site

>nothing of any value has ever been said about women in the entire history of this website
what's said about women is valuable because the essays about women more than anything else show who is a valuable person and who is trash

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