38 C

>38 C

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its like 18 here

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greta's not hot

where is she anyway, now that EU is burning coal?
nobody gives her air time anymore?
what a surprise

Is she a sort of anarcho primitivist?

>high temperature
>unnecesary to burn coal/gas
>somehow a bad thing

oh shit
guysz i need a fuckingn deepfake artist

Bit weird how it suddenly dropped, innit.

imagine gripping the pony tails and slamming it as she throws it back, tight pussy gripping hard

>38 C
Lmao. Noway her tits are that big now

not my problem

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We don't get summer like we used to. I remember when I was a kid in mid 2000's the whole 6 weeks summer holiday was sunny as fuck.

Its colder today. I'm not interested I globalist warming anymore.

What is 38 C in freedom units? Fucking foreigners, speak American....

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Celsius is the only acceptable unit of measurement.

kys climate kike

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Literally winter for half the world right now just go there artard. Or are you too unskilled to work remote?


No it’s not, your measurements are faggy and irrelevant.
Thanks fellow freedom aficionado

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38 C is the warmest temperatur ever recorded in sweden

Would it be illegal to sell fleshlights with depictions (illustrations, not photos) of Greta's face in the box?



Summer chad weather has the metrosexuals running for shade to prevent their makeup from coming off of their face, kek.

It's not global warming, chud. IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE. It being a bit warmer and has nothing to do with climate change

Seethe while I have a cheeseburger and freedom fries for breakfast

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OK, honey booboo

Its 32 in Södertälje. I braced for today havent even suffered. Was out on a long fucking powerwalk couple of hours ago. Keeping cool with a small table-fan and the windows open. This is fucking nothing.