Why cant white women mind they own fuckin business?

Why cant white women mind they own fuckin business?

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And then everybody clapped

I bet he got arrested for antisemitism

I don't get it. Is this a slavery joke?

Dumb nigger doesn't realise she was hitting on him

And did you know what was the name of the woman? Alberta Einsteina

>I don't get it. Is this a slavery joke?
Who knows. Probably the latest nigger myth. This fucktards will believe anything. Anyone have that twitter cap of some nigress thinking they used to be literal giants?

he forgot the part about where she sat down her coffee to say that one line.........
there was no woman was there

Why is this a thread? Do your job jannies.


probably a total nothingnigger didn'thappen desu.

i would assume the joke is related to the concept of black men not raising their children. suggests only a nigger trying to steal a kid would reasonably be around a child.

alternatively, it could have happened but the nigger thought it's reply and the woman's reaction were causally connected...
>"only white people can steal other people's kids and act like they're theirs"
>She grabbed her coffee and left
of course she grabbed her coffee and left, it's a fucking coffee shop. that is literally what everyone does at a coffee shop. the woman grabbed her coffee and left, not because she was emotionally damaged by the absolute savagery of this nog's verbal massacre, but instead because she received her coffee, and simply forgot the jiggaboo existed.

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Idk what's worse, people making up obvious lies for Twitter, or people posting Twitter screencaps on here 24/7.

Things that never happened for $500 Alex

>things that never happened

Probably some white man’s burden shit how brown kids would be put in schools and orphanages after their deadbeat prents would try to sell them or eat them

I don't get it.

The people whining about it here are even worse than both of them.


Cool story, I'll add this to the things that never happened pile

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I don't understand this tweet at all

I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around this totally real interaction.

>"Whose child did you steal?"
What did she mean by this? I can't imagine a scenario where someone would say that. I'm missing some kind of context here.