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Shame he had random shit shoved up his ass and got beaten to death. If there's any loyalists to him still left in 2022 in Libya I wouldn't mind going there myself. If only to get some experience fighting. If I die I win because idgaf. If I don't. I'll have fun playing with people's insides and shooting guns pretty well. Shame it's never that straightforward.

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damn, all these supposed loons like qudaffi and tom cruise turning out to be exactly correct.

Holy cringe


is there confirmation to any of this?
i have seen this picture around,and while i find gaddafi a rad dude this simply sounds to good to be true.

Big Pharm should be nationalized and making profits from parmaceutical products should be illegal. There will never cheap cure for anything as long as happy merchants control the healthcare business. For example if they a plant that cures an illness, they won't allow people to buy or cltivate it. They will try to sythnetize the active molecule and patent it. If they ca't patent it, they won't allow you to use the plant. We live in a sick world.

Fuck I miss him bros.

>Shame he had random shit shoved up his ass
bruh, it was a fucking bayonet, the poor bastard did not deserve that.

>"They will come after you!"
>and everybody laughed
He knew too much

Big Anything should be nationalized and private business limited to small cafes, artisanal shops and family farms.

Especially banks. No bank should ever be private.

How does this guy fit into all this? I am 70% sure some Western tinfoil haters killed another tinfoil hatter purely because of occult reasons.


>How does this guy fit into all this?
Being the ruler of a country gives you access to the elites and what goes on behind the curtain. Love him or hate him Gaddafi was a unique freak of a human to go from goat herder to dictator. His biggest mistake like a lot of people like him was to get complacent, surrounded by sycophants and start believing their own bullshit which in Gaddafis case lead to him pissing off too many people leaving him open to getting "freedomed" by the golem war lord Hilldawg

They both always seemed sober and honest to me. Reminds me of Ross Perot, he ran for president and was ONLY ever mocked despite being completely correct. ((They)) always try to cast truth tellers and independent thinkers as "looney" and controlling the news and the entertainment media makes it an easy job.

some noname colonel made a coup in a banana republic, nah, not that unique

turns out they didnt even need to engineer a virus just create the illusion of one
and the "capitalists" bought off the government and paid them to print trillions of dollars for them and tried to force everyone to take ijections that werent even vaccines

he tried to warn us


Reminder that NATOhomo murdered him , his son's and destroyed his country he made i to the most prosperous in north Africa.

Never forget NATOhomos Satanic role in upholding the NWO.

Tom Cruise?