Is he right Any Forums? Should we take the brown pill or is this a Jewish trick?

Is he right Any Forums? Should we take the brown pill or is this a Jewish trick?

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It will only work if shes brittany Venti.

Niggers beget niggers.

no nigger allowed in heaven

only if he has girls, male mulattoes are a net loss while females will marry up with more white boys, bleaching themselves in 2-3 generations.

Read that dumb tweet again until you understand how retarded it is

> muh culture
You can't un-nig a nigger.
Based kikel

Niggers don't look like that

No jews either, moshe.

It literally makes no difference except that girls mean you're a cuck.

Girls mean more bodies to sex!

Males are smarter;
I have multiple mixed cousins. The father is an engineer actually and they’re quite relatively smart but not exceptional.

But making good $; probably better than multiple females would be Doin

There won’t be any whites to mix with by the time they grow up kek

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Imagine raising a niglet, going to work and making money to take care of a baby nigger that will ethnically replace you

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Your family is low iq mutts. You’re either poor or white trash

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The good ones can become white

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What's with Q tattoo?
Nothing wrong with conquering native cunny on the side.
White women are choosing genocide.

>niggerloving retard that uses anime
Like nigger bitches look anything remotely like that

>What's with Q tattoo?
Some dumb ass didn't know it's the international symbol of the coal burner, Queen of Spades.

It's a heart. It's supposed to be "Queen of Hearts" meaning they love white men. It only works on white women with the heart being red, not black like a spade lmao
Anyways this thread is gay. Race mixing is a sin.

You cannot be replaced by your own flesh and blood, even if they are a nigger.

Still 9% monkey.
>Anime nigger
And she sure has fuck don't look like that