Even normies think a civil war is imminent

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>Even normies think a civil war is imminent
then its not gonna happen

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Yes, between the people and the federal government.

god I fucking hope so, real change can come.

And that's how you know.

Sheeit, muhfuckaz better not fuck with the grid. I needs my fridge and AC working, Blood. That's on Piru, Blood.

It doesn’t take much of a brain cell to figure it out. However the reasons behind WHY they think a civil war is going to occur will be completely distorted and lost on them. Useful idiots.

Yeah, they anticipate it... But
Did they prep for it?
Nah mang i went to the clubs and shit. Thuglife. I got me a glock and couple rounds and we ganna get a doombus and drive round town when it starts.

About time. Maybe bombs will finally be legalized.

>half of americans think
then its not happening

Not happening. But I'll prep for it just in case. Don't want to miss out on any action. Reminder to a hard copy of addresses of people you want to visit if shit goes down.

don't get your hopes up
Q is real
this is a movie
my disappointment is immeasurable

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You frens better get around your own kind. Come to utah or Idaho, convert to LDS and get yourself a cutie and dig yourself a foxhole.

We're already in a war, it's just a cold civil war that libshits provoked, now them and their pet niggers are starting to starve to death on their concrete plantations because orange man bad.

I think it will be because a group of states tries to secede from the union, and the other states will vote against it, just like fucking last time.

Good let’s fucking start this

They won’t make it down the road before being impaled with 6000 rounds of .556

Easy, CNN & MSNBC headquarters

predictive programing going just well

Why no survey option for Not Soon Enough.

Yeah because muh fascist sexist xenophobic homophobic white males who hate equality, this is all trumps fault.

>That means I'm smart.

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Ok, Tim Pool

Civil war is inevitable the only thin lacking is a leader who has the pull to start thee war or liberals going so far left that they trigger mass riots. The whole nation is a pressure cooker right now waiting to explode.