What are the political implications and signals related to ''1.7 Trillion''?

DIG anons.
What is the signal?
1.7T, 1.7 Trillion.

Attached: WHO1.7TRILLLIONN.png (1355x824, 1.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Today picrel

Attached: 165835703163.jpg (1080x1841, 280.43K)

Attached: 1.7Trillion.png (1054x656, 59.06K)

Attached: 1.7trillionBUILDBACKBETTAAAA.png (1009x544, 41.15K)

Attached: 1.7trillllionnOCDE.png (1156x347, 45.55K)

Attached: MUHH1.7TRILLIONNN.png (1013x666, 67.94K)

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Attached: 1.7TRILLLIONNN.png (1209x620, 519.49K)

Attached: 1.7TRILLLIONADOBEEEE.png (978x567, 53.37K)

Attached: 1.7TRILLIONEVERYWHEREEEE.png (1306x655, 39.31K)

Attached: muh1.7TRILLIONNN.png (683x761, 226.24K)

Iran 1.7B in pallets of Cash.

Attached: 1.7Gorillion.png (599x340, 92.26K)

CNN New York Nuclear Explosion Simulation today

Attached: 1658345131534544.jpg (1170x757, 1.46M)

There is another thread up talking about how BlackRock has lost $1.7t of investors money in the last six months, kek.

$1.7billion in the gun confiscation bill.

Look here:
Other Thread:

Is this good or bad for us qtards

Okay, you have my attention.
1.7B Casualties or Million? With these fucks, it's always something Dramatic or Horrific when they send Messages like these.

Attached: Chynnnaaa1.7Trillionnn.png (1425x470, 79.52K)

I bet 1.7T is $666 in today's money.
Inflation is out of control.

Densest City on Earth, or was, at one point. 1.7M casualties is not farfetched.

Attached: Bezos1.7TRILLION.png (614x638, 303.55K)

New Jersey shall inherit the Earth.

To little too late

Journalistic laziness?

Attached: 1.7TRILLIONANIMAAAALL.png (1208x498, 145.71K)

That's what we'll end up paying to Ukraine by the end of this war

So 8 in classic numerology
17 is core number
11 zeroes, 0 can be counted as 1 in certain numerologies
So this simplifies to 1

weird. bump.

Attached: pokebear.jpg (600x386, 172.13K)

Just a Cohencidence bros

Attached: 1.7Trillionnnnnnnn.png (1089x785, 134.31K)


When we see number sequences such as 012, 111, or 17 in our daily lives, angel numbers are trying to bring this energy of change and signal new beginnings. These divine forces bring inner wisdom and good fortune that lift you and bring you to the present moment.

Angelfaggotnumber meaning
(Reminder angel=satan)

Attached: 1.7TRilllionnnndollas.png (592x534, 140.38K)

There was supposed to be a hearing at Senate about that but 9/11 happened the day before?
I know it was 'roughly 2T' but what figure exactly?

So what does it mean anons?

Attached: 1.7TrilllionAmazzzzzzinnnn.png (1198x558, 51.44K)

It's late & my wording is all fucked up but you get the idea.

>roughly 2.3 trillion.
don't know exact.

Attached: SorryGoyimWeLostIt.jpg (960x634, 66.63K)

$1.7 trillion+ bitcoin market cap or $90,000 USD for 1 btc

2x3s = 33
2/3= 0.666

Attached: Jimmmmmmy.jpg (960x1440, 313.33K)

I forgot but remember around the 2T mark, perhaps I was over presumptuous with the 9/12 hearing & the similar figures from OP.

My guess? Sacrifice but not in the T-range , obviously.

The United States needs to send 1.7 trillion dollars to Israel stat!

The MK-17 was the first operational USAF thermonuclear "H-Bomb"

No... not ze illegal betting

The Newspapers done that with the Jews during the 1920-'45' & now Present with the "6 Million". Decades they spouted that exact same figure & anons have found the Newspapers as evidence. We all know how THAT story ended up as..

God I wish

the jews are saying the global elites wealth tallies 1.7 trillion

Attached: (((YOUUU))).png (1131x533, 61.4K)