New Zealand

This is New Zealands flag now.
They also changed their motto to:
“The only god is love”

Attached: A81AB306-8BC4-4348-B504-34FB41863B22.jpg (1106x633, 101.95K)

what a fucking zelda ripoff

that's so gay that i honestly would believe it

It’s magical.

Attached: CCFB9703-1339-4973-A9CC-E26BC234F623.jpg (500x500, 17.44K)

have they flown it over a dome?

Looks like a shirt an art mom would wear.

Ah, OP’s getting cocksucking-induced hallucinations again. The New Zealand flag is the same as it always was.

Also rainbows are utmost straight relative to straights.

But it can invoke anything to anyone.

Attached: DBA94B3A-47A2-4226-BC6A-11FFE10BFA25.jpg (296x624, 69.28K)

Gondor will rise again.

Get me out of this hellscape I WANT TO GO BACK

its the White Tree
just because LotR was filmed there doesnt mean they get to culturally appropriate it

more like LOTR rip off.

Your flag needs updating sheep fucker

Holy SHIT are those the Chaos Emeralds?

Attached: new zeals.jpg (779x328, 24.27K)

Attached: 1658361190740353b.png (1106x633, 288.04K)

>what did he mean by this?

oy veyyyy


oh gosh

Soon perhaps you will be turned into a witch elf femboy that is identical to belle delphine.

Attached: 1191E6B6-0422-422F-8D80-E6FF5FA17605.jpg (749x1415, 200.32K)

Attached: 25A6FF7C-8D81-4DB1-9408-6723ABF79077.jpg (566x1514, 161.67K)

Bretty Rare

Or maybe it’s a giant silver fern. Up to interpretation.

Based digits of truth.

Attached: 21.jpg (261x159, 7.3K)

Is that the White Tree of Gondor with gay stars?

It just has. The story has just begun.

Yes. The palantir stars are rainbows now. Also OP is a memeflag faggot with no sauce so it didn't happen.

Attached: 1609551269135.png (355x353, 187.33K)

>I'm a massive retard who everyone hates so I will make a bullshit thread to get attention because I'm too retarded to actually make a thread that is actually true
You are clearly a leftist

on behalf of Jacinda's Team Of 5 Million I would like to ask OP to delete this thread and for all other anons to stop slandering Aotearoa.

we are the safest country in the world with no guns and everyone is quadrupple vaxxed and double masked at all times. we understand unity and what it means to come together as a country during hard times.

we are a small nation but have a lot to teach the world!

It might have something to do with the Wizards sent to Protect ME. Iirc, there were 6 of them sent. Each bearing a symbol of the Alchemical elements of the Earth?