Are the elites vampires?

are the elites vampires?

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no shit ever heard of blood libel? you think stories that last millennia have no weight?

Vampires are just part of the evil forces. Yes they serve the demons, the NWO dystopia is what they're after because it generates endless black energy.

>oy vey we're not vampires, that's racist!!!!
>yes we require fresh blood and want to blot out the sun but calling us vampires is just antisemitic

I would honestly love more nighttime hours. White European civilization used to exist partially nocturnally, with all-night markets happening alongside people waking up at around midnight after a nap in order to get tasks done. The modern sleep schedule of only being awake in the day time is a capitalist multicultural construct to push equality for worker hours. In reality, pale people enjoy the night a lot.

Stop calling them elites. They are fucking parasites.

dafuq is space bubbles nigga?

their drain your sanity, so yep

Stop calling then elites faggot. It outs you as low IQ, a faggot, or a zoomer ( or a combination of the three)

That's a firm yes

cow farts


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Health will go straight down that's why they want to reduce sunlight.

>health will go down if there's more night hours
Found the shitskin.

So the sun cause "Global Cooling/ Global Warming/ Climate Change/ Climate Emergency" ?

It's the kind of shit Dr. Evil would do for 1 trillion dollar

Ah Trudeau bros I feel penetrated.

I just realized this is the powers that be asking us questions so they know where our mind is

What if we just unplugged our computers and walked away from all this shit???????????

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>block out the sun
I guess I was right, we are in hell...

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There's no risk in blocking the sun just as there was no risk to Sri Lanka adopting WEF policies.

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Shit meme. It's all those things.

farts? i approve!!


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This. Or call them el-ites. Look it up. They’re the demonic cult of el.

I can't wait until 10 years from now when we find out that the space bubbles actually act like giant magnifying glasses, and it's too late to do anything about it because they're floating somewhere between earth and the sun

a rose by any other name

>When you read a post so stupid that you just stare at the screen.

they'll get to build it, launch it etc

and then lo and behold the science will say the climate is getting better for now

>block sun
>solar power efficiency becomes shit
>crops fail dooming whole planet

At this point I think the WEF is ran by niggers in white skin.

Assuming this isn't a typical case of media lying out their ass, this is hilarious. Literally the least practical solution you could think of besides chucking icy asteroids at the Earth. This is how you know not to take these clowns seriously. Fucking lol.

they're saving them to send them up soon

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How about you call them jews

The sun literally makes me feel ill. Can't be in it for more than 5 minutes without starting to burn. The sun is NOT healthy for any European person.

no they're just annoying cunts who love to tinker with society. the kind of epople who are like
>we never thought those crop eating poison spiders we released into the Iowa were gonna cause trouble for the crops. we we're just researching cancer

You ever read the island? Even if you want to be left alone they will show up with tanks and a squad. You can’t sleep on the sociopathic mentally ill. They’ll do anything to be able to tell you what to do.

>leftists unironically support this shit
Reminder that democrats turned into the foot soldier class for the 1% and mega corporations during but age of Trump.

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Absolutely not:

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There's a reason why the south put Jews with blacks. They both have zero logic or idea of how the world works.

Swear to god, fucking clown world

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>technocrat puppets steal Simpsons villain shit
Remember to be a good goy retarded partialism faggot

That's you not the sun. I'm from Europe, I bet you have pale autistic skin caused by alcohol and garlic consumption.

oh okay, so "climate change" is brought upon by the sun and that reducing it's impact on the Earth by a mere 1-2%, we can reverse all climate change
so much for anthropologic man-made cause, lets just block the sun -- a significant energy source, so we can heat the planet with more fuels anyway -- all according to their findings and claims, not mine because I don't believe in this filth

Underrated book and arguably one of Huxleys best works

Climate is unstable as well as geological factors. We recently had a volcano erupt that cooled the globe with particles. Adding more instability can make it worse not better. Europeans are just being over melodramatic it’s just a heat wave

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this is racist against inefficient vitamin d producers

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then they would reveal how dumb they are, dumb as a thermometer to be exact.

>should be no risk
That doesn't mean there is no risk.

Everyone involved in pushing "space bubbles" should be willingly sign documentation to let their assets be seized and distributed for damages if "space bubbles" turn out to be harmful. After all, this should be no problem because based on their logic, the world will end if no action is taken.

Let us see whether they are zealots or con-artists.

It is actually something very viable and probably solution but the media is hyping shit up as usual. A mere 1% coverage of the sunlight would greatly decrease the temps around the planet. This "bubble" can be made from simple mirrors in orbit somewhere between the sun and earth, probably at a lagrange point. It's no bubble, but a screen.

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