How radical are you?

Have you done anything that could be considered illegal because of your political beliefsf?

Attached: FK2mXiuX0AMOZbi.jpg (596x595, 69.81K)

Hacked and doxxed a slew of CP/Pedo types in my early days. Does that count?

Yes, I tell the truth whenever I can and make it a point to not lie. This is illegal in much of Europe

I downloaded a Mario ROM because I didn't want to pay for the game again

I once removed the tags off a mattress in a motel.

Nice try J Edgar.

Now put on your dress for Rabbi Issac Goldstein faggot.

niggers tongue my anus

why'd you quit?

U are gay

Not political, but as a 30 year old incel I have committed countless crimes ranging from felony assault to grand theft auto. Prison made me worse and I don't know what I am capable of. Pray for me

I stole a bottle of tabasco at chipotle because they didn't make my burrito right and the line was too long for me to wait to ask them to correct it.

you need a permit for that

I'm guessing it's holocaust denial
Very illegal but not political
Sort of, depends on how long ago it was

Sending positive energies your way

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I once tore off a do not remove tag from a pillow. And then it got worse. I started going big time and tearing them off mattresses.

Attached: Pw_mickey.jpg (340x191, 13.1K)

que engraçado colega eu irei rir

That's antisemitic

Fat retarded glowniggers tongue my anus

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I went over 80 on the highway. Yep, you read that right.

So 88?

i have never done anything and every post made here is in jest

Attached: ManeaterOfHydra (64).jpg (720x538, 36.11K)

I openly deny the Holocaust and sometimes drive my motorcycle home after a few drinks out.

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Are there any schools close to you?

It's not just that, I mean places like Canada will probably put me in prison for calling a man a man.

I once forgot to return library books on time.

I was paying $550/month in rent and $350/month for ISP/Electricity and sleeping 4 hour per night for about 5 years. That shit takes a toll, user. In all likelihood I was the first vigilante hacker so I felt satisfied that I at least got the ball rolling.
It was late last year when the nightmares stopped. There are some things you can never unsee. I'm off the anti-depressants now. I remain grateful to all who heard the call and took action. Please remember to follow protocol and turn in your targets to their local Sheriff, not the feds or city police which are almost beyond all hope.

Baiting a pedo in a chat room is not 'hacking'.