Any Forums fears the white wealthy urbanite

Any Forums fears the white wealthy urbanite

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> inb4 meltdown when the power goes out and the local organic market has no more food

post the one about the redditor crying when she leaves heavily populated areas

there it is. perfection

I lived in Minneapolis and knew people like this

Did you kill them?

look at my striped shirt. fucking look at it.

minneapolis is like the epitome of where i’d expect to find people like this, is it a coincidence that it’s one of the whitest, most affluent cities in the country?

It's like Nu-Seattle now that Seattle has transitioned fully into degenerate druggies and homeless.

Barcade sounds pretty cool

stick to your bathhouses.

>”it’s just like my favorite elder scrolls game!”
glad i’ve never been

Honestly none of that seems bad aside from the furbabies part and the basedjak



Huh, I wonder how long that's been a thing

i think it’s making fun of consoomers who will sacrifice their genetic line in order to live out a perpetual childhood, but it does that in a very gay way. i will continue to enjoy the craft beer that was invented by my ancestors and mess around on the computer that was designed by my ancestors.

I’ve been to both many times and I have had that same thought, but never put it into words user. Minneapolis is indeed like Seattle of 20 years ago.

I love seeing newfags surprised about a filter that's been in place for years.

If you actually go and look at the profile that posted this it is a fantastic insight into the mind of a truly mentally deranged individual. They spammed this particular post on about ten subreddits, and do the same with many of their other ones. I would like to think it is satire but idk, it does seem real.

I unironically do fear them saturating my town and bringing their faggotry with them

Barcade sounds ok I guess. Probably would cost you $80 by the time you had a burger and fries, a pint, and an hour of arcade games. There was a big arcade in Vancouver years ago that just charged by the hour and you got a card that basically let you play all you wanted for the duration. Meant you could grab both guns on the LA Machine Guns game and try desperately to control the recoil as they both rattled around. Good fun. Spent a ton of time playing Time Crisis 2 there with a friend.

That does not seem like a fun time for someone over 30. Watching cartoons and playing old video games that cost a quarter per life while eating shitty bar food? Sounds shitty.

Yeah this.
Nothing wrong with a bunch of middle aged people going out, having a drink, feeding quarters to an old Frogger machine while listening to Duran Duran.
Fuck these fucking IPA drinking faggots.