How to effectively genocide a continent?

Kike search engine wont give me answers so, Any Forums what IS the best way to hypothetically genocide an entire continent?

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what do you want to know, cheapest way, fastest way, least manpower intensive way, least resource intensive way, etc?

Or convince everyone to inject themselves with a magic potion

Poison all the riverheads and bomb any water treatment plants and bridges. If the poison only lasts a few decades even better. Should be able to reduce carrying capacity pretty low if your drones can burn fields and kill all livestock's

try searching for "diversify"


Maybe if you didn't fuck up their countries prior, they wouldn't have a reason to come to yours.

Full port blockade and cluster bomb farm regions

this psycho motherfucker has got it right
also introduce invasive non native species

Genocider cope
You will go out the same way hitler did

Why can't you admit that you made a mistake? if you don't, you're bound to repeat it again. Was the tea and the spices worth it in the end?

Create an virus that effects a certain genetic traits. Then offer a vaccine that kills a certain genetic trait.

You and your cronies are going to pay for what you ACTUALLY did

It’s not my fault your black and have a lower iq than my blue eyed white self.


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Whatcha talking about, dave? just admit you have done wrong and there will be no more diversity. Why is your ego stopping you?

Nothing will be funnier than when you play genocide freaks realise society isn't going to come and save you and that putting into practice such a widespread and vile attack on a people purely due to their origin is a very serious thing indeed

By then you would be replaced either way. I think it's god's way of punishing a country which committed atrocities and caused massive suffering not only to other countries but to themselves.

Bang. Lights out. Just like the millions you made suffer. Evil cunt


What the fuck are you talking about? is English not your first language or something? Am I talking in Chinese rn?

I can relate to the search engine issues. Best way is famine, fren, as you can just blame it on incompetence.


lots of bullets
there are a lot of answers, bioweapons and bullets stand out because they don't destroy everything, bioweapons are dumb though because they will get out and fuck everything up, bullets are the best way, but you need to convince people that genociding a continent is a good idea

Famine means the people will kill all the wildlife on the continent

>How to effectively genocide a continent?
Trick them into inviting a couple million jew refugees.

Then wait 100 years

Before going on a continent scale, we need to start in anatolia to clean the mongols out first