Why doesn't anyone call out the jew anymore?

Why doesn't anyone call out the jew anymore?

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Who says they don't?

Do you realize what board you’re posting on?

Doing it in mass media is a Death sentence.
I jewpill people, face-to-face, but only those that are marginally awake already to the current shitshow.

Death to kikes

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Uh? it seems they're getting called out more, lately, not less. So much so that I wonder if it's tenable, or if something's gonna give and someone will do something drastic.
Which, don't get me wrong, fuck slave merchant bankers, but I also think they're just someone's puppets. Nobody smart and actually in control would want to be this public. And they're not looking that smart.
...It's probably some manner of black nobility using them as puppets and sacrifices.

It’s crazy how many people aren’t fans of Jewish people on all political spectrums

We have to treat Jews as individuals.

Tribalistic individuals with extreme nepotism

What ever happened to the " El Judio" girl?

Because there is no Jewish Conspiracy and they don’t control America or the world which is retarded in its own right.

The Holocaust is real, there are survivors, there are no actors, that is retarded.

The people that control the world are intelligence agencies, corporations and nations like the US, EU, Russia, China.

This board has been hardlined into think Jews control the world due to their indoctrination with the retarded misinfo spread here whenever Stormfront shut down. Now you have a cesspool of retarded fat and middle aged out of touch white men and self-loathing brown people touting white supremacy and anti-semitism. No one takes you guys seriously and no one ever will.

I cheer for the day leftypol gets it’s own board

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Any Forums is so mislead about Jews. They aren't evil, in fact the reason they're successful in many areas is because their true will manifest by God. You don't understand because your low IQ can't comprehend sacred texts.

Kikes are in fill force today

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Oh and I forgot the Facebook Boomers who guzzle Trump semen everyday. They all immigrated here after r/the_donald shut down and when the same retarded American boomers fell for QAnon, perhaps the most uncreative larp I’ve ever witnessed.

So I’m short, people here are susceptible to any form of conspiracy and are retarded reactionaries with no real political values other than thinking Hitler is cool

Baits a little too heavy handed

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You back to bunkerchan axe wound

Wrong because God isn’t real. The reason Jews are successful is because of nepotism and networking. Something every minority should strive to do in America, the self-proclaimed land of opportunity. How true that statement is subjective. I hope to see Mexico modernize and become strong one day bro

do you feel the walls closing in on you, jew? we are going to cave your families skulls in

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Decent bait, but lacks the angered despair of an actual puppet agent. I can give you 7/10.
Now this is just low effort. 4/10 bait fren, I can sense the underlying cheekiness with my schizo powers.
Interestingly, this kind of bait is fruitful to a thread like this, though.

No matter how much you bring attention to the JQ no one is going to do shit about it
It is far too late