Why couldn't the South just picked their own fucking cotton?

Are southerners just lazy or are they Jews?

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Arabs castrate their slaves and they don't seem to have a rabid nigger problem.

Death to kikes

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The rightwing is all about profits. You all believe it's about "christian morals" or something? That's because you're brainwashed idiots. It's only about profits and serving rich people

When you do that, surprise surprise, your beloved culture degrades. In the end, the rightwingers destroy all of the things they apparently wanted to protect

Stupidity. This is the result of stupidity. Also greed, vanity, the worship of the materially wealthy

>if americans won't do shit then why should we come to fix their problems?
Well dear pedro. It doesn't so much concern you if you still live in mexico. But it's no secret that USA will probably in the next 2 decades with illegal immigration and legal immigration and so on continuing on this trajectory. Then USA becomes a non european country with a central and south american ethnic majority. And a lot of them are your mexican compadres that now live in USA with american citizenship. This demographically then is now their country then euro americans drop maybe to 40-35% i think it will be around that by 2060. So then it does become people like you's problem :D
Because now people like you are majority managers of USA having assumed that position, now it's people like you problem to fix, the ones who are majority are the ones who have to maintain the operation of whatever country it is :D
Do you think the white boy going to keep fixing your problems when there's not enough of them to do so and when it's people like you who govern and operate USA? no then it's you who need to deal with it, and it's YOU who become the you will do nothing'ers.. If you also go too, but ofcourse if you stay in mexico it's not your problem. But for the central and south americans citizens of USA, this is now then becomes their problem :D
You wanted to be king, here's your king hat, put it on your side, little tilty so you look cooler, now it's you who need to deal with it! careful what you wish for.

>The rightwing is all about profits. You all believe it's about "christian morals" or something? That's because you're brainwashed idiots. It's only about profits and serving rich people
>When you do that, surprise surprise, your beloved culture degrades. In the end, the rightwingers destroy all of the things they apparently wanted to protect
>Stupidity. This is the result of stupidity. Also greed, vanity, the worship of the materially wealthy
PS "christian morals" are also explicitly far leftwing. IF you ever bothered to actually read the bible. Maybe that's why you're all destroying your own country. Maybe the christian God is somehow real and he's punishing you on the right for going against him with capitalism and other far right stupidity. Maybe that's why America, the furthest right country, is also the country most in it's death throes

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You jews brought niggers here, you brag about it in your encyclopedia

The real crime of this slave trade that ended long ago now, is that it put niggers in nations where they not supposed to fucking be, it allowed niggers to demographically invade all kinds of nations of which they now refuse to leave from. This enabled aggressive nigger colonization demographically. And niggers aka africans have no need for extra clay since africa is 3x bigger than USA to begin with.

There's niggers in brazil, niggers in japan, niggers in every european country, niggers in china, niggers in haiti, niggers in bolivia, niggers in canada, etc. etc. etc. Just in USA there's more niggers than the combined people of canada. There more niggers just in USA than the combined people of scandinavia since we are small countries also.

That's the real crime to the world here.. First off the niggers should have not been allowed to enslave and sell the other niggers to the americans or anyone else. But then once it was over, they should have been repatriated back to africa.. to live there..
AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR NIGGERS WHO COMPLAIN ABOUT SLAVERY who then refuse to leave and go back to africa.. since that's not sincere, since if they were serious about how bad it was they brought against their will to USA, then if that was honest they would have left as soon as they got opportunity again which is 155 years ago now in USA. That's a lot of fucking time to refuse to leave a country you say you didn't want to be in.
Infact these african american niggers, they got higher living standards than many people in europe, this was not a bad deal for them.

And this is also in past, should not be an excuse to start shit with eachother today.

Before slaves they had indentured servants (essentially white slaves who worked slave jobs in return for passage to America), but then there was a big uprising and they switched to african labor and it was all downhill from there. Sometimes I wonder what it would’ve been like if we treated the servants better, little to no black population and a much larger white population. America would’ve been unstoppable

You really think the average white southerner was a slave owner?

>selfish and greedy
Ok. So they were hand wringing Jews. Thanks for the confirmation.

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Also americans tried to give niggers in USA liberia a country 2.5x size of denmark just for the african americans to live in.. And they refuse to go.
If someone tell me oh so danes you have to pick cotton and get whipped for a little while in USA and then we give you a country 2x size of denmark afterwards for your trouble. A lot of danes would have maybe said, okay sign me up we make a contract we agree to those terms, let's fucking go..

Think about that, a country 2.5x size of denmark handed over to niggers, and they refuse to leave and go inhabit it. But ofcourse niggers be greedy like those in africa. They used to having bigger countries and more than most other people, so it wasn't enough for them. No when niggers in USA speak of compensation they want ethnostate of they want SEVERAL SOUTHERN STATES be nigger clay :D that's so greedy that's like 20x more or something like this than what we talking about hahahah

And they have ZERO sympathy for us danes derp around on this tiny soil either.

niggers have ALWAYS and to this day, had more than me and mine have had.. through all of history. Even now they have managed to fucking DOUBLE IT.. in demographics of invading other nations through this idiotic african slave trade.. perpetrated mostly by the africans themselves.

dude those 400 years consisted of niggers in africa selling them to USA! :D who sold the niggers to the americans? conveniently leaving that part out. African on african slavery has gone on for like a thousand fucking years. Way before a single dumbass cotton plantation retard in USA ever decide to buy one.
Arabs also had to say that buying a black slave was bad investment cause they were maliscious and were not interested in working.
The only reason the dumbass american plantation owners bought them cause they thought it sounds like a good deal for a person who can do labour in exchange for food and drink and housing. From that position the cost of a nigger was very low. What they didn't know as what the nigger in africa that sold them knew, is that nigger don't want to work :D

The black slave ownership in USA was also no worse than peasants and unpaid labour around europe at same time and earlier. They work for food and lodging too in many cases, they can't own anything cause they can't afford to do so. This was highly the case in my country aswell till much more recent in history. This dumb fantasy that europeans just have plenty lands for themselves and living in castles eating cake, they can take that lying bullshit and fuck off with it.

AND africa is 3x size of europe, africa so big its bigger than usa + all of europe + china combined.
Niggers can go to africa right now and live in a sea of niggers.. everything about niggers back there. The american lies americans are told in university has nothing to do with reality.

Why americans feel guilty about this.. has nothing to do with reality, and it never did, IT NEVER DID, which is what is so funny!

Hes literally me

Slavery had nothing to do with jews no matter how much rightwing propaganda you spread. Jews were extraordinarily oppressed in those days too. As usual. And by christian whites

Better question, why not import slaves from South America...

No. I don't believe that. What the fuck were they thinking? Future generations are now fucked.


funfact, nigger was never a slur, it comes from the latin dictionary it means black and the importation into the british language consisted of adding a g to it. Latin word niger. In english: nigger, in danish swedish, norwegian, and german, neger, in czech negr, in spanish negro, and so on and so forth.
It was a never a slur or derogatory. Infact that it BECAME derogatory says everything about niggers behaviour, because it is purely contextual. Coon is a slur for niggers like acting like a racoon, porchmonkey, pavementape those are slurs, heck BEANER for mexican cause they eat beans, is more of a slur than nigger is.
It is simply a word to describe black africans, black is what it means, just the color. IT IS ONLY NEGATIVE CAUSE NIGGERS ASSHOLES, so people say THAT FUCKING NIGGER ASSHOLE..
Instead of oh what a nice guy that nigger is.

These niggers got you cucked, ON YOUR KNEES BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS FOR SOMETHING YOU HAVE NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR. And they do not beg your forgiveness to get along with you and let bygones be bygones.. No it's to RUIN EVERYTHING FOR YOU, it's nothing about this that is about let's get along today.. Which make it even worse. Do not bow down to the one who want you dead.. it make no sense to get him to apologize to you..

As for killing niggers? YET ANOTHER LIE!;
In history and also currently.
this is just making niggers as a victim of shit that barely even happened. Even NAACP admits it's less than 4k lynchings in USA of the worst criminal niggers and since it's vigilante execution they get a few innocent niggers out of those 4k niggers. But it's 4k niggers in a period of 86 years.. this is WITH KKK running around and everything..
Nobody going to lynch a nigger, nigger has higher rich of being struck by FUCKING LIGHTNING than being lynched in USA, this is why smolette try to lynch himself with help of 2 NIGERIANS, he couldn't even find some lightskinned methheads to help him stage this :D Because reality is, nobody want to kill niggers they just want to leave them the fuck alone hahah

Because Americans have always been greedy money obsessed faggots who don't want to pay workers a fair wage. Even today Americans look down on unions and workers rights.
The founding father only rebelled against the crown because it improved their bottom line. "Muh freedoms" is just an excuse used to increase profits at the expense of workers.

It's also actually liberia is very nice looking it has pristine beaches, nice flora and fauna.. And if you want to see something scary what it turned into, look up the documentary online that requires age verification to watch since it features rampant cannibalism and 70% of the women there raped etc. killing little young nigger kids and drinking their blood to give them strength in combat to go kill other niggers who they then cannibalize too.. It turned into a civil war shitshow much more recent. But it's an interesting story that many gloss over.
Because it started off as a repatriation attempt by americans. AT FIRST it was called monrovia, after president monroe, then it changed name to liberia. And then it get like niggers refuse to go over there so it kind of went down the shitter..
I highly recommend you watch it, it's a scary documentary but you see this is peak nigger in that video what niggers do to eachother when they go ape on eachother.. BE SOMEWHERE ELSE is my advice..
Niggers also around africa till recently were notorious cannibals. infact many african slavers of other africans were themselves cannibals, so those who were enslaved and put in chains by other africans, most went actually to african domestic, africans having other africans as slaves, and a lot of them also wound up getting eaten by the other african slaver tribes who were cannibals..
To say that africans are bad to other africans would be somewhat of an understatement!
Also another example was like with the hutus and the tutsis in 90's where the two african tribes massmurder eachother with machettes 1 million niggers dying.. all nigger on nigger.. in a period of 100 days. They decided the other niggers needed to go live somewhere else in africa and were intruding upon them, the other niggers refuse to leave. Then they say we will kill you, and did.

THESE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU BEG FOR MERCY OF, what they going to try and do to you if you ever let them.. THEY CARE ONLY OF THEMSELVES! You need to get off your knees and think about it.
Because what they will do to you even if it is wrong and they are greedy assholes as they are renowned for. If they get the opportunity they will fucking destroy you and dance on your corpse, and in comparison, what do americans or europeans want at the most extreme thing.. they want you to FUCK OFF and live by yourselves. There's no comparison.

And i copy paste a little from this thread, where i had such discussions, find the dane flag and go read if you interested some more, cause it got archived.
But it's a good read i'm trying to effort post a little bit cause it needs to be said..

Hot damn, you sound like you grew up in my small southern town lol glad to see Europe gets it.

The irony is when you watch videos of people looting stores because ‘we poor n shit and been slaves’ each one of the hundred ripping a tv off the wall is on welfare which gets the 1500, food stamps, Starting around 500 a month (that can be spent at gas stations for what you’d expect or sold for cash on the street, and the biggest blow of all is they get to live in price fixed housing/apartments and since they’re unemployed they pay only 250 a month to house four others doing the same thing.

Which means they are handed the financial flexibility of a white male working 80 hours a week in a factory except all they have all the free time in the world.

And STILL they claim they’re oppressed.

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Which church are you a member of?

And for those who want to come and say americans will do nothing?
All those people who constantly are saying to americans and others you won't do shit. Well if you are that much of a doer, do something about it yourself, since let's say you a mexican or central or south american immigrant. They getting close to demographically in a very few decades being majority in USA, so then niggers become their problem. So if they are that much of a doers, then go do something about it..
The reality is the reason people don't do something about a problem everyone knows which is they prefer niggers live with themselves in their own communities or in african countries. Is because, what do you expect them to actually do? what do you want to do about it?
Everybody knows it yeah, but what you want to do about it? what can you do about it? very little ultimately. You'll become unpopular ruin your life if you go out with that position that niggers should go and live in africa.. So most prefer to not do so and try to find ways to save their money and move to places in their country where the niggers aren't.. and that's really what most people do.. But what else WHAT IS YOUR EXPECTATION? what you want them to do? hehe
what is it you demand of them to do. About a problem everyone know. The highest of 'racism' in this regard is said by americans for example and some europeans who have gotten a lot of niggers from africa by now.. we prefer you live in your own communities, not try to take us over, and also ultimately it would be nice if you live in MUCH BIGGER AFRICA.. that you for some reason think it's fair you have all of that and we have next to nothing.
What is recieved in other end is. How europeans are pestilence and we should go away PERMANENTLY. That is not the same as what is said other way. The worst is said that oh they go live by themselves, and they live happy or whatever the fuck they do.. Is that too much? yeah.. is why it's so hard for a problem to fix to this day.

>Hot damn, you sound like you grew up in my small southern town lol glad to see Europe gets it.
Dude we are outside of USA cultural thinking so we don't have indoctrination to endlessly apologize for being taught revisionistic history. Most danes through history of ancestry i come from live on worse conditions than niggers when we peasants in europe at same time. I come from farm family myself.. my great grandparents and grandparents talk about how it was in denmark in 1800's as relayed by them. I know exactly a lot of how danes had it. That we work unpaid labour could not own land for the big nobility who own EVERYTHING.. for food and lodging.. bust ass ungodly hours, for produce for someone else..

We were never offered a country liberia 2.5x size of our country for pick some cotton which is peanuts in comparison. IF WE WERE we would have taken it.. and be laughing at danes right now.. haha laughing at 2.5x bigger country jackasses, so what we whipped and pick cotton, we have 2.5x now more than you.
NIGGERS EVEN REFUSED TO TAKE THAT DEAL.. do you realize how obnoxious they are in eyes of other peoles like mine for doing that?
Don't come to me with your nigger sob story NIGGER.

Why couldn't the north process its own sugar?
Are northerners just lazy or are they jews?

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I don't hate niggers to point of wanting them gone, i just want them to live happily amongst themselves and stop fucking trying to act victim if you don't get to take over everything else including tiny bit of land that my people have.. for a thousands+ fucking years when the real deal is i should complain how you can have ALMOST EVERYTHING AND I CAN HAVE NOTHING?
Nigger greed of this nature is truly something to be hold, and hard to find anywhere else.. And they care nothing of plight of tiny danes or anyone else. Only themselves!

Gee I wonder who is boating loads of niggers to white countries to this day and even as we speak, who could it be? Could that group boating niggers to white countries now days be the same group that was doing it hundreds of years ago? Hmmmmm

And out of all the social hierarchies of all of the countries they boating these people from, I wonder if they are all the lowest of the social hierarchies in those countries they are taken from? Why? Hmmmmm
