Well well well vaxxtards, the most accredited virologist in the world has confirmed you are all going to die soon...

Well well well vaxxtards, the most accredited virologist in the world has confirmed you are all going to die soon. We tried to warn you but you didn't listen.

"Ohhhh I didn't want it but my job made me" Well I hope you enjoyed your couple of years in employment because this will be your last year in this world. Can't say I feel sorry for the vaxx maxxed, the dangers and information was out there, they just chose to blindly listen to mainstream media and stooge doctors. The science says your blood is going to congeal and you will drop dead like a sack of potatoes, DO YOU TRUST THE SCIENCE NOW???

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Two weeks tho right?

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Stop spreading misinformation

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I can really feel the Schadenfreude in these words. good post. Maybe vaxxers will do something useful with their remaining hours on earth?
Vax feds, please do a terror before you drop like a sack of potatoes?

No, in this case, it's two years.
He predicted from his arse last year.
He also knows that Covid is like the flu.

I am so scared right now, because an actual MD said all this.

Your neighbors will be 100% African,
with one low-IQ rightwinger in between.

Have fun, you chose this. No refunds.

If my father and my mother die from having taken that stupid, stupid injection two years ago, I'm going to be very upset. I'm happy I didn't take it, but I don't want them to die.
Does kevlar stop knives?

Ok..... Die please?

based schizo

Attached: polvaccine01.png (2056x1032, 1.9M)

the most concerning thing is dying vaxxies trying to take purebloods with them
when vaxxies realize a lot of their vaxxed friends are dying/dead, they might resort to indiscriminate violence
they'll have nothing to lose

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>be me
>be vaxed
>not die
>can't sue for false advertising because it wasn't supposed to kill me

I was hoping to at least get high.

don't get too cocky, you have ingested the same shit in your food, air, and water. not many will survive the purge.

the canadian gov't put a fuckin gag order on him because he was talking about how indigenous people under his care were dying from the moderna vaxx

Chem trails aren't real shizo kek they're regular clouds. I saw them in Fortnite too so chem trails are safe even if they are real.

You must be scared! You die soon!

Hmm I wonder why they don't call veterinary medicine when they use it to treat malaria?

S-stop... Do not expose the simplistic inner workings of my mind.

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