Have you gotten your MonkeyPox vaccine yet?

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why's it all dudes

Hundreds of millions of people got the smallpox vaccine.

No but I can shit successfully in a disposable coffee cup. Pro tip: always get extra large

Because getting vaccinated is many.

I’m surprised they can keep from buttfucking each other in the line.
Low effort troon

1. Make random Twitter
2. Take picture of people standing in line
3. Make fake caption
4. Post on nu/pol/

A formula for success.

Based Israeli troll

They're gay

Elsa, why don’t you ever give me a (you)? Do (you) not like me? :’(

Avoid Orgies for 2 weeks
Get the small pox vaccine
>Live attenuated
>Has a high risk of scaring and side effects
>Justified because small poxs is actually a deadly disease

Fucking homos. At least they open to letting people put stuff inside them.

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How the fuck is there already a "vaccine"???

You know why

Attached: whatwhatbutt.jpg (466x262, 16.3K)

You know exactly why

NO, I'm not a fag, so I don't need that shit.

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>How the fuck is there already a "vaccine"???

Got old german belgian small pox anti terror vaccine from Bavarian Nordic. Stock exploded today again.

faggots love to be injected with foreign substances

Looks like Michelle

>no masks
>no social distancing

It's a bot

a scene like this would trigger my ptsd and I'd be yelling into my cellphone for an airstrike

pop-up and shots shouldn't be a thing