Has the Manosphere/Red pill people seen a decline over the last few years?

Has the Manosphere/Red pill people seen a decline over the last few years?

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Unironically what does this mean, are there like beard oil discords or something

no. there are still people daygaming, girls are hornier than ever now that abortion has them in heat, and less competition every day due to the growing beta cuck movement

i think most of those people are grifters. it is 100% true what they say about women. but there is nothing that you can do about it. that is to say, you can only get pussy if you are a chad.
>women enjoy talking to strangers
i very highly doubt it. unless you are a chad. it is over for average men.

I don't know what that is but men are definitely pussies coming out of HS/College these days compared to 10 or 20 years ago. There are adult men here that play video games, don't own property, unironically play dress up and go to cosplay conventions and own funky pops and star trek and star wars toys. You have a whole generation of infantalized men. Lots of them were raised by single mothers or are on SSRIs (mental health is bullshit/a racket for shrinks and big pharma to sell you shit you don't need). Lots of feminine men compared to years past. No doubt. Also more gays.

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Yea they are deciding to chop their dicks off and go on ssri’s.. I guess they couldn’t beat ‘‘em so they started trying to join me.

I swear these faggots are a Jewish psyop to demoralize most men.
>muh hypergamy
>muh never get a crumb
>give up, because you aren’t gonna make it
>religion is pozzed
It’s like every message I’m the culture is to demoralize.

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Considering the fact that it's for complete and utter retards, the truth (Blackpill) seems to have gained more popularity.

i do happen to have chad genetics but that's besides the point. eat healthy, sleep fully, get sun, and exercise. congrats, you're now in the 95th percentile of men

These faggots are pussy-obsessed retards.

Imagine centering your life around women.

>ID: cUCk

They were already rockbottom losers

>i do happen to have chad genetics but that's besides the point.
no that is exactly the point.
>eat healthy, sleep fully, get sun, and exercise. congrats, you're now in the 95th percentile of men
okay well that's no use because women only go after the 99th percentile. you might be a chad with the ladies, but when it comes to discussing the facts YOU LOSE.

>muh hypergamy
>muh never get a crumb
>give up, because you aren’t gonna make it
It's all pic related senpai

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Telling me I won't get a hot girl, never will make money, am a retard, a dumb Christian, and to give up motivates me to prove them wrong. In fact.I already have. I have a home, a family, 2 children and 1 on the way, a dog, a shitload of land, and 50% of our food roughly is made in our garden or hunted and fished ourselves. We go to church every sunday and my kids have good manners and are well behaved. That shit fucking motivates me man. That is what I want in life, not to impress others, but just to be good fucking self sufficient people and a loving family with integrity. Thats all i fucking want and I got it, and I have the nay-sayers and demoralizers to thank for that since they said I couldn't do it, and guess what? I did.


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ok doomer. why don't you go shoot up a ywca or something

>be me
>find manosphere, pickup, TRP stuff
>use it to get laid a bunch over the course of two summers
>realize women are pretty gross
>realize I can pick up women just fine
>Proceed to not even attempt to get laid throughout my entire 20s
>Use the manosphere knowledge to help me in other areas of life
It's really gay and cringy but it does help a lot to form a basis of knowledge that includes manosphere/pickup stuff.

>women only go after the 99th percentile
Holy fuck bro touch grass

Fresh & Fit, along with Rollo and their faggot crew literally killed the redpill in under 2 years by reducing it all to money and simping while introducing a majority nigger/colored audience. It's now all fake alpha bs/status signaling shit.

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The vax is the Trojan Horse. Not sleeping with a 90% pozzed group.

Monk it is

>i think most of those people are grifters.

absolutely. rollo "stole" and rebranded the midlife crisis in terms of redpill ideology so he can sell his new book. these people are scum and should be burned alive for misleading men.

here is a redpill for you incel, the moment someone financially profits from selling you something, they can't be trusted. the "redpill" is full or truths and half truths, also full of lies to sell you shit. Actions speak louder than words: how many kids do these redpill grifters have? rollo has 1 and the others have 0.

Good on you, user. That’s what I’m looking for as well. I haven’t had issues with finding women, it’s just that the women are all fucked in the head. All on happy pills. Wondering why they are so unhappy when it’s fucking obvious. I hope I can find a girl that isn’t completely destroyed by social media.

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>here is a redpill for you incel

here is a redpill for you incels*

There's really nothing new under the sun for manosphere/redpill guys talk about. Be confident and aloof, don't simp like a beta faggot, stay in shape. Once you have the fundamentals down, what else is there to talk about?

I occasionally will check in on some redpill content, and it's virtually all stuff I learned at least a decade ago. I guess it's useful for young dudes just now entering the game, but it's pretty repetitive for older guys like me.


basically a sphere of grifters that losers pay for basicbitch advice they didn't receive in their fatherless homes

The internet daddies who are going to teach you how to be a omega-level sigma chad through forum access for $99/mo keep getting their pasts and private lives dragged out. They are inevitably "former" leftists, feds, tranny chasers, cucks, and/or jews. Peterson, Fuentes, Bronze Age Pervert, that Jack Murphey guy, etc.

MGTOW blackpillers like Eggy can only continue for so long. Their followers eventually either discard what they say or blow their brains out.

Almost all women are awful. Almost men are also awful, but I'm not trying to build a family with them so I don't care. Go to the gym, take care of yourself, make some money. When you're in your 30s you can scoop up a 20 year old and start a family. Nothing has less sexual market value than a young broke man or a dead egger.


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It's almost as if men have it hard these days or something, so it's almost always bad news. What do you propose they do, lie and act as if everything's fine like everyone else does?

bro who give a fuck about this shit, we won't have food and will be in open civil war in like two years pussy will just be a commodity for warlords

Yes, and rightfully so. It's cringe larp. 45 year old loser divorcee burnouts trying to play father figure for online incels who don't have real fathers and giving them advice like "You just gotta give her the right look son, give her a wink and say hey ladies lookin good"