You name more Any Forums related movie

go on, try it, I challenge you

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op btfo

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ok, so what do i win?

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Lick me where I shit you filthy casual

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opps, another one

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oops, another ones here

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most brutal sword fight i've ever seen in a movie, also, violence solves problems.

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Casted as an extra in this movie would be a great honor.

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I watched the movie all the way through, because I have a cuckolding fetish, and there is no point in that movie where either cuckolding comes up, either as a fetish, or the real life action. The character is just an incel character that is a mockery of right wing loners, but then he loses his virginity by having really bad sex in a mmf threesome with an old woman that is never verbally stated to be his girlfriend, but is a loose old ugly gilf. Some hick accidentally gets cum on his face during the really bad threesome. I don't think the writers or directors even know what relationships are, let alone cuckoldry. That film was so bad, even people that actually get off on cuckolding would hate that film. "Cuck" (2019) was really bad, "The Cuckold" (2009) and "Deep Water" (2022) actually have cuckolding and are much better.

Yes, I know this is not Any Forums, but Any Forums and I will probably slack for outing myself here. But, god, I hate that movie for even wronger reasons.

My pick, which is not about cuckolding, is this film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." It's by David Fincher, who I love, but usually does dark movies, but someone must of told him to make a warm hearted Forrest Gump like piece, and it came out more disturbing and creepy than any of his intentionally dark pieces. I can't stand watching this film, there is something unsettling about watching it. I hate this film.

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Oh, I thought we were talking about bad movies, not Any Forums related movies. Benjamin Button sucks.

all movies are pozzed, but if you want to have fun with normies cognitive dissonance.
> Capricorn One
> Wag the Dog
> Fight Club
> Network
> They Live 1988
> Idiocracy (2006)

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How is it Any Forums related?

Fight Club is a movie for retarded faggots. Kill yourself.

Bone Tomahawk

taxi driver, american psycho, bladerunner, drive

Fight Club was what the OG rules of Any Forums and the internet were based on. Old fags love fight club

Jesus fucking christ, bro.
Good, honest reviews. Thank you for your service.

Jewish fantasies
Any Forums movie

Dickgirl, pls.

shut the fuck up idiot


Ffs pol always gets this wrong.
No female idiots in whole film (except 1 secretary)
No ethnic idiots except the fucking cool president
No idiot fags or trans
Only ever mocks white dude bro culture
Doesn't mock the equivalent basic bitch culture
Only America has gone stupid

It's a pre-woke film and unironically most of you fucks are too dumb to see it

My Way (2011, Korean WW2 movie)

Shot Caller would have been better if
>It didn't have flash backs
>the cop he helped wasn't a nigger
>he didn't help the cops at all

this recommendation is not kyu, i promise this

this user gets it

LARP harder.


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Fight Club faggots tongue my anus

please start following global rule 2.

yeah, i thought it was stupid when i watched it over 10 years ago.
is a much better interpretation of the total degradation of society