Shitbull mauls 12 children in a school

R*dditors react.
How are they willing to accept statistics and pure simple facts about this race of a dog being aggressive and generally not fit to be in modern society unless specifically trained (and even then it's a risky and uncertain if they won't attack randomly).
But when it comes to human races, there's only one race and nignogs are the saints that dindu nuffin? Hell, they even accept nignogs are generally more athletic and Asians on average are more intelligent, indicating they believe in difference between human races. Why?

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Like they're this close to connecting dots. Is NPC programming this strong?

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Literally replace "pitbull" with "nigger" and everything still checks out.

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Kek, now statistics are the final truth. But in nignogs case its “socioeconomic” reasons?

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of course redditors love pitbulls and niggers, it's in their programming code.

Because it's a journey.
There's something you are still blue-pilled about.
I can bet on it.

>of course redditors love pitbulls
Retard read, I just showed you they're redpilled on pitbulls being niggers of dog races.
What I mean is that they're unable to use the same logic on human races.

inb4 reddit bans anti-pitbull hate speech saying it is tied to white supremacy and a slippery slide to eugenics and fascism

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Lmao, literally replace "pit bull" in this faggot comment with "nigger" and everything still checks out.

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Wait, so are you telling me that ALL of Reddit is redpilled about pitbulls? if I go to reddit right now will I be able to confirm that at least 85% of Reddit is redpilled about pitbulls now? pretty sure that if anything, Reddit is once of the last places still defending those things. Progress is being made though...

>Hell, they even accept nignogs are generally more athletic and Asians on average are more intelligent, indicating they believe in difference between human races. Why?
coz dem crackas be raycis yo

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you answered your own question because redditors are also niggers themselves and are incapable of selfreflection.

>Wait, so are you telling me that ALL of Reddit is redpilled about pitbulls?
Of course not, there's no place on Earth where ALL people agree on something. But the thread I'm reading and linking screenshots from is in majority in agreement that shitbulls are aggressive and redpilled about them.

Hatred of pitbulls is embraced by redditors because the "narrative" has allowed it to flourish. If it was locked down and Jews pilpuled the talking point there would be no end of pitbull protectionism.

It goes to show you that the majority of the population will hold any belief they are allowed/told to. Something that may seem extreme from the outside will be accepted by NPCs if they're told to.

The fact that they can see the pitbull issue (because they are allowed to) but not any other racial issue is evidence of this.

This is why fascism gains support, normies would be down with race-realism in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, it's just very dangerous slope to be on because so many (((leaders))) that may seem based have handlers that hate us.

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Of course it's a nigger

Redditors can see reality.

When there is no conflicting media programming, they fall back on common sense.
However, now just wait for the media to make a campaign out of it.
Let the ADL get in on it, and maybe the SPLC.
Then, when they all chant in unison:


or some such shit, they will all fall in line.
Why are they so honest about it?
Because the topic has not yet been politicized.
They do not have programming for issue X, yet.

Once they receive programming, they will just parrot and regurgitate that narrative, everyone who does not fall in line will be "downboated", and mods on Reddit will ban any dissent.
NPCs only use common sense where it does not conflict with programming that tells them "How to be a good person", as long as there is not enough to virtue signal about.

This is already in progress.
The articles are being shilled and once the MSM take sides, make it political, the NPCs will fall in line.
Just spread in the media:

And you will see Reddit NPCs fawn over pit bulls once more.

Or, spread


and you will see Redditors wish pit bulls to hell with an intense fury as you have never seen before.
It's Red vs. Blue.
You oppose whatever "the other side" does.
You see it on Any Forums a lot, too, among cuckservatives.

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I generally agree, but:
>And you will see Reddit NPCs fawn over pit bulls once more.
>Or, spread
It's very hard to make a logical and common sense connection in first case here. I mean if shitbulls have traits that media wants to pin to white supremacy. Wouldn't that be literally against the commonest of senses?
In 2nd case, well then it's just easy push to redpill masses and make equation shitbulls = niggers of dogs.

One Race: The Human Race

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My question for stuff like this is typically "why do (((they))) allow this narrative?".

My reasoning in this case is that perhaps it helps deflect from niggers and nigger-lovers. Pitbull owners have a pretty big commonality here, and maybe its how the NPCs cope with that commonality.

Just saying
>Pitbull owners

But its beyond baffling to me. It literally takes one small mental step to draw that comparison in human races.
If your mind already accepts shitbulls as aggresive beings prone to violence and accept that lets say a Golden Retriever is a friendly family dog then what the fuck is stopping you from thinking the same about human races?
Fuck, most of normies already accept nignogs as more athletic in general so they accept difference in races. This is beyond strange to me.

Doublethink is a bitch, many NPCs have it bad.

Thats what stonetoss' one comic about dogs was getting at. I've literally seen an npc read it and say "hey that's racist".

Then their brain stops before it can ask the question, yeah but is it true?