Is It Time To Attack Iran Before They Nuke The Planet?

Why does Biden & the Democratic party want Iran to acquire nuclear weapons given their threats of wanting to nuke America and Israel? This is a threat not only a threat against freedom, but our planet & clean environment.

Radical jihadists are threatening nuclear winter upon the world if they don't get their way where everyone has to live under islamic rule & moral police goes around beating your wives, sisters, & daughters under the guise of "religion".

What's it going to take to convince the American people & the rest of the western world to finally take action & unite against Iran & all of these other radical nuclear terrorists who certainly don't deserve the right to nuclear knowledge & technology & take them out once and for all for the greater good of humanity?

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Didnt the US threaten to physically stop Iran from obtaining nooks?

KYS you neocon jew loving faggot.

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Is this the future you want for your children? To live in fear that they might not have a planet to inhabit? How do you even expect to survive in a world full of radiation and no sunlight to grow food?

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America will if they have to. The west will unite against terrorist Iran and destroy its nuclear capability and anyone that helped them accomplish it.

Jesus, just do it and let your mother and I sleep in peace.

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>radical faggots are threatening nuclear winter upon the world if they don't get their way where everyone has to live under gay rule & moral police goes around beating your wives, sisters, & daughters under the guise of "equality".
ftfy, you disgusting piece of shit

kike detected

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Says the Serbian.

Kikes have nukes so the anti kikes need them too. Deal with it.

Israel isn't the one threatening democratic countries or imposing their religious police on innocent people idiot.

>Why does Biden & the Democratic party want Iran to acquire nuclear weapons
Woah! Do you have a sauce on that bold claim?

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Fuck you. Israel and NYC should be glassed, but sadly it will never happen.

Just look at Kerry. He's Obama and Biden's boy. He wants Iran to acquire nuclear weapons so that they can then hand them to to radical islamic terrorists who hate freedom and democracy.

Don't care, Iran can have all the nuke it wants, that's a Jewish, Arab, and Swedish problem.

>He wants Iran to acquire nuclear weapons
Woah, woah, woah! Again, let's see a sauce on that nonsense you are spewing.

Yes they are threatening peaceful countries just like they murder innocent Palestinians. . Perpetually corrupt religious theocracies like kikeistan will never stop threatening, will never overcome their smug indifference to human rights. They've threatened, murdered, stolen, colonized and blasphemed themselves into existence just like their chief sponsor, America.

Keep on pretending those sodomite parades thru the streets of Jerusalem are indicative of progress. Keep pretending until the smiting arrives. When G-d's judgement pours our there will be few left standing.

>Israel isn't the one threatening democratic countries or imposing their religious police on innocent people idiot.
definitely a kike

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When is it not time to bomb iran?

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It is either Iran or Venezuela.
Their oil content is high enough to warrant a bit of democracy.
After 5 million dead and oil shipped back to the US... nukes? What nukes?

Oh what are you going to do, princess? What are you going to do? Lose to Afghanistan again?

It's 100% a jew with a VPN. But his argument is going to work on our government that is already bought by Israel.

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Well duh, I just want to see the shill explain his grand design of again losing to a mountainous islamic nation.