Arrested development

Does the arrest of our politicians mean they can be impeached?

Attached: 6nbf2t.jpg (500x817, 143.7K)

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Did you shoop this?


No it happened and sh'e faking being handcuffed.

KEK just found out she was faking being arrested

delete you steam account

Seriously, I think it was some cop abuse sex thing she made us watch.
>big booty latina tamed by police

I'd frisk her

ah yes they put their hands behind their backs. Take that libs, so owned by cool conservative chads.
fuck you guys are retarded lol.


I'd believe it. She talks so much shit about white people and white institutions but at the end of the day she just couldn't help herself from that Bwc her fiance is giving her.


Why is her big Latina booty so jucy

That cop is looking DIRECTLY at her UNCUFFED HANDS, the fucking lying little wench.

More handcuffs needed.


Attached: AOC.jpg (1284x1642, 193.05K)

and there it is lol
right wing bros, this isnt as much of an own as you think it is...
then again though you retards are still saying lets go brandon every chance you get so i dont know if i expected any better.



lets go, Brandon. Dont you wish you cared about the country you were born in.

Go back to Bondi


good one guys, feeling really owned rn. literally seething

I fucked up. It's over.

Attached: Over.png (600x800, 25.6K)

You're welcome

i know, it is palpable. you even replied in an effort to convince us. an unbothered soul would have no reason to reply, or be here at all, i think you're just an alt right person havin a giggle.

give her the chair

Media always lie.

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yeah words don't magically appear in thin air dumbass

I would do unspeakable things to her body

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they actually do, the act of breathing and pushing that air over your vocal chords which vibrate and create a sound literally makes words out of thin air. cool af ay

They were detained.
They were not handcuffed, that's theatrics.
Criminal charges were probably not filed, so "arrested" is probably the wrong word.

no you wouldn't, you can't even get an erection. Ask me how I know.

lol you can be arrested and not charged hahaha fuck me you guys trying to change definitions ALL the time. Stop being American.