Breaking: God Hates London

41 Houses destroyed by the sun yesterday.

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Bongs, explain yourselves

You don't even have AC to short circuit what'd you do, try to cool the house down by opening the fridge?

Sorry about the magnified reflections, just working out a few kinks still.

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>cool the house down by opening the fridge?
How else would we cool the air?

This thing is barely visible from earth even with a high quality telescope

>be a eurofag
>bitch about how America is burning up the world
>doesn't get an AC before this kind of shit happens
I swear you twats are even more pathetic than Californians.

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>Mayor Sadiq Khan

London has a Paki mayor. Yep. A paki.

alright nice joke mister funny guy

Same lasers they used on California. Smdh.

And soon a Pakistani Hindu PM. All bongs go to hell by default.

Why do all your emergency service worker uniforms and equipment look so gay and lame?
I extend that to all of Europe, but really I blame you for starting this trend.

Attached: beaulieu-hampshire-uk-may-two-british-firemen-firefighters-standing-rear-modern-fire-engine-tender-beaulieu-109307403.jpg (800x533, 99.16K)

>magnified reflections
Do you even speak english or are you purely typing in phonetic translation?

Literally no one outside of the Kike press gives a shit. People are just laughing at the latest Jewish tick.

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Well at least our schools aren’t shooting grounds.

>God Hates London
that is the typical protestant mentality kek. God does not hates london, london hates God, in other words, God does not depend of u, u depende from God

Just one guy probably thought it would be a good insurance scam.

That's not how anything works faggot

>you should have listened

Attached: Adolf Hitler Satisfied Smile.jpg (1130x1600, 163.73K)

Gretta and her eco terrorists.

Phonetics or magnification of light via reflective elements?

Is that because of virtue on your part or simply due to still living under feudalism?

Say you had guns. Do you think you would also see shootings like us, or no?

We do have guns, we only allow them for landowners not every random urban youth

>41 Houses destroyed by the sun yesterday.
How is that even possible?

Don't be boring.
Guns like us.
Ar15 style baby skull seeking assault weapons of war

Wake me up when it's on the bbc.
Until then
>oh no

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Based. All britbongers are burning.

Yea, if we sold those to 18 year olds I'm sure many of our children would be dead by now as well. Well done. Enjoy paying property taxes 'land of the free'

obvious insurance scam

British kids set fire to stuff frequently, it never usually goes anywhere because the vegetation is soaking wet compared to california, so when it's 37C and the days prior were 35C and 34C the same rate of kids fucking about with matches creates very different outcomes.
