Which retarded Antifa came up with the idea to attack 1% mc clubs????

Seriously, Antifa attacks Free Souls MC and Mongols. You guys do realize these the two groups have killed for a lot less disrespect.

Darwin award of the year!!!!! We have a winner.

Please post on what you rather do then attacking Free Souls and Mongols, swim in shark infested waters, jump out of an air plane without a parachute, have sex with Hillary Clinton, play with AOC's vibrator...

Let us know in the comments.

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That isn't a 1%er mc and where's a link of them fighting Mongols MC?

At the end of the day it's just human vs human

What are they going to do? Attack every fucking mask wearing, purple haired fag they see in Portland?

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Those clubs have a history of stopping blacks from rioting. Recent history is that Antifa types have tried to disrupt large scale biker gatherings and had to be rescued by the cops.

I spotted Mongols in the crowd. Free Souls is an ally of Mongols.

Seethe more chud. We have more numbers than you and better tactics than you. Revving your small penis engine through a suburb won't change that

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They're trying to get every club outside of theirs labeled as right-wing hate groups

post soviet vs german deaths

Be wary.

Like the Mongols in PDX aren't led by a proto-Antifa S.H.A.R.P. Skin.

I really don't care what happens here. I hope they all lose.

>fat boomer LARPers compare themselves to WW2 era german soldiers
Just goes to prove how your entire tough guy thing is just a facade. It's the reason why you will never see a lone biker by himself. They know what happens when they don't outnumber someone 20:1. Unfortunately for them they are they ones outnumbered in this situation so watch as they back off and show their true colors as the spinless pussies they are

>better tactics

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You were beat back by the old men, old ladies, and prospects of the clubs. They made it a point to rip masks. Why would they care to see the faces? Hmmmm

One of the feds that has to keep tabs on them wanted some lulz.

Idea: start spamming accusations of racism on twitter, tiktok and other socials for every known MC club out there (probably would be accurate for half of em). Get antifa to show up and laugh as they get beaten to a pulp

fucking pick one retarded swede

A box of roofing nail thrown in the street outside of their gay clubhouse would put an end to this madness

Yes antifa actually makes plans beforehand unlike bikers who show up and just try to see who can rev their engine the loudest. Lucky for them they are on bikes so it will be easier for them to weave through traffic as they run away

Where's part two I was told Antifa was going to start doxing these guys.

Checked. I hope you get yourself killed

Thank you for admitting your crimes are premeditated.

.....you really are unaware of how much methed up bikers really don't fucking care about rationality do you?

I actually thought one of the rival mc's trolled antifa into doing something stupid. Who knew antifa would be beaten by women then cry for police protection.

yee the last attack went really well lmfao

Why are you trying to warn them? This could be some quality entertainment.

Hmmm. I think you’re trolling...

Bullshit, where's a screenshot? And they aren't a support club of the Mongols. They're a support club of GJMC which associates with HA. You'd know if Mongols were involved. We all would.

Ok but who’s a real hitter?

antifa has never committed a crime. Defending yourself after chuds try to disrupt your gathering is not illegal. Making plans in the likely event of chuds showing up is also not illegal. Antifa doesn't start fights they finish them

You got knocked the fuck out

You have wealthy parents, DA backing, police backing and feds backing. If you didn't, you'd get slaughtered wholesale noatter the number.

Kyle Rittenhouse has never committed a crime. Defending yourself after communists try to disrupt your gathering is not illegal. Making plans in the likely event of communists showing up is also not illegal. Kyle Rittenhouse doesn't start fights he finishes them

They are too narcistic to ever admit they done fucked up. We get to watch them cry about rationality when these guys do not give a shit.

J <

gr8 b8 m8
I'm out

fascists are superhuman

Your sheer existence is a crime. Your parents should have aborted you.

showing up to an already active protest with a gun to confront the people protesting isn't illegal but it's very stupid. Physically assaulting people and then shooting them when they fight back is illegal. Lucky for you the kid got away with double murder. hope that helps you sleep at night

This is likely antifa being disposed of, the biker gangs answer to the same feds, antifa is too much trouble for the establishment to support anymore

What is the obsession of baiting for you’s? Is it a reddit thing ? Also can I get a you please.

I'm sure the Army made a mistake in classifying Antifa as domestic terrorists.

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>Antifa doesn't start fights they finish them
whatever you say faggot

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There’s 10 days worth of a public trial, you’re a retard and you’re siding with the state not with your little commie buddies. They deserved the ventilation.

>At the end of the day it's just human vs human

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Ok you convinced me you're an actual pantifa faggot, what's your beef with MCs? Isn't there bigger and less dangerous fish for you to go after?

how many children have you touched?

The bikers started it. We were perfectly content letting them hide in their warehouses and have their little gay circle jerks but then they tried to disrupt our protests

the jew parenthesis being there makes me kek every time.

Isn't guy in the picture paralyzed after getting fucked up by a proud boy?

>tHe bIkErS sTaRtEd iT.
You must be 18 to post here.

Yes. God bless them..

>B b but they started it!!

I know you're just shitposting for easy (you)s but there are antifa twing faggots out there RIGHT NOW who think like this and don't understand they just signed their own death warrants by not understanding the difference a fucking meth-berzerker biker gang and a bunch of maga boomers out picketing tranny library hour.
Oh god this is gonna be good.

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If not trolling, you have mainstream backing, DA backed, feds backed. Democrats party backed. Etc…if you stood alone, you’d get slaughtered and yes you have the numbers because of the mainstream backing and other NGO sponsorship.

Let me break it down in terms you can understand. You’re not the rebel alliance in stars wars, you are the empire.