Mass arrests starting: Q WAS RIGHT

AOC, Ilhan Omar and Tlaib have just been arrested today. The arrests are starting. Q was right once again.


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Other urls found in this thread:

> arrest
You mean escorted

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I wasn't aware you can arrest members of Congress

They’re flying them out today to be tried. All of them.

Q was right again. It’s happening now.

that's just smoke and mirrors


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What if we killed them people from the magic box?

Would that fix society?

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AOC is a Q plant

Are you fucking dumb? They don't even have handcuff you dumb fuck.

AOC does raises her fist while she's walking away "handcuff"

Here's the video

This. Officers held their hands and walked with them to the park.

Put these clowns in a prison with the criminals they're voting to let into the country.

Please stop shitting up the board with Q schizo bullshit. Thank you. Planted.

From the article:
>The officers arrested a total of 35 people, including 17 members of Congress, Capitol Police tweeted on Tuesday afternoon.
Funny how that number keeps showing up.
Funny looking reflection for a flat black shirt sleeve. No other part of the cuff shines like that. Kinda weird.

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Never mind. Saw the yt video.
8/10 bait, OP. Nice one.

>Ilhan Omar
that whore would be stoned under proper sharia

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They’re being transported away. It can’t look like they’re being arrested. They will be tried in Guantanamo bay. If news breaks out, USA will collapse overnight.

Do you think they would be so stupid as to fake putting handcuffs on?

Serious question are they really that stupid asking for a friend

It can’t look like it because that would signal the alarm for a false flag

They’ve lost. The storm has started already.

Don't forget

>17 arrests

Can confirm, a giant Q just flew over my house.


When hell freezes over maybe.

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That be a watch friend. She threw up a fist after passing by the cameraman in the videos circulating online.

Naw, man. That was just me with a drone and one of those party balloons. Take it easy. Pranks can be funny.

Comon now, even us Q Tards aren't falling for this...

Man, when the last time you wore a suit with no undershirt...

you're under the rest of the united states of remerica, for the republic, for witchistan, in unity and gublit for all, anything you say will and can be used against you for the court a law

Fuck off, fed boy

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