Tehran John Kerry has been BUSTED
The Democrats are working for Iran. Biden is trying desperately to start up the failed Iran deal, but the American people aren't having any of it.

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working with iran is better than working with israel

republicans are now going as far as saying Iran controls America

Fuck it. Why not make a deal with Iran?

Why are Republicunts against Iran?


fuck them they are constantly shilling our board with gay mudshit opinions

Yeah sean hannity is a zog puppet always has been. his talking points are always echos of israel's foreign policy spokesman

Because Iran is one of the few nations keeping Israel in check

Iran controls the media and the banks

Uh.... what?

Did you or any of these retards itt even bother to look at that "article"?

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I guess this explains why so many Iranians are in powerful positions in the West

nobody ITT read the article or is talking about anything, OP is a bot. This tweet is clickbait trying to gotcha kerry for his private jet having high emissions. Stop posting in the thread.

Nice bewbs


Why do they call him Tehran John? MKUltra for boomers like Beijing Biden?

I love when the MAGA folks say BOOM like they got another one but absolutely nothing happens.

>the democrats are working for Iran
Good. Usually them and the recuckplicans only work for Israel. This is progress.

jidf post

It really fucks me off.

Why wouldn't we want to work for Iran? Iran wants to nuke Israel.

The American people are sick of ZOG
Iran is an irrelevancy

Because a lot happens in their mind. This is so four months from now they can go to a protest or campaign rally with a Republicans 4 Israel sign and stars of david and Israeli flags and claim all Democrats are traitors for hurting our greatest ally. There is a clear purpose in this, it's obviously the Mossad pushing it, and it is used to drum up support for bombing Iran amongst the American public. And this is a real thing, with Iran revealed to have sold Russia drones and Putin's recent state visit to Tehran there is a hard push by the right to bomb Iran now before they get a nuclear weapon. Once Iran gets 4-5 nukes it will be impossible to confront them without risking serious losses in counterstrikes against Saudi Arabia and Israel. This will permanently cuck Israel and jews can't have that.

>BOOM imagine if the shoe was on the other foot!

Republicans are bought and sold by Israel. Unfortunately.