Legit can someone explain or give me resources to fully understand the theories about CIA or other gvmt bodies...

Legit can someone explain or give me resources to fully understand the theories about CIA or other gvmt bodies orchestrating the school shootings in America? Like the bullets are expensive or something or the people suddenly have weapons or something? I've seen memes but I have never seen a comprehensive video or forum post or anything fully elaborating on it with examples and such

Please and thank you

pic related, apparently an artist named Glowie?

Attached: Glowie Body 1.jpg (714x400, 86.77K)

>pic related, apparently an artist named Glowie?
You are both a knower of truths and have satanic numerals. I will be watching the thread

>hey guys we can't believe you figured us out so tell us how you did it...

Attached: Who are you.png (368x520, 225.41K)

Similar tactics were employed in Italy, Germany, France and other countries in the 1950s through the 1980s. There was a decent documentary by the BBC titled something like Operation Gladio that talked about some of it. You need to first accept there are many people within the government who are happy to engage in mass murder for political objects because they are hidden and protected by the people they are working for. In past they trained soldiers and citizen soldiers for the bombing, shootings, roberries, kidnapping, assasinations, but now its really about finding those that are most easily manipulated via SSRIs, programming (like brain washing). The drugs help reduce the resistance to killing, and often create feelings of rage. Why do the shooters run to malls, schools, open spaces? Because the expect no one to be armed. Its meant to be a slaughter. They never seem to go after politicians, bankers, the elite, just ordinary people. Just do some basic research online there is a lot of info.

Uncover your israeli flag, faggot.

Nice try

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Project Orion

What are you looking evidentiary research????

they're not orchestrated, they're just a side effect (glitch) of government brainwashing programs (like actually taking you to a compound when you're 2 years old, not just putting hip hop on the radio)

>1 give up your guns they are not safe!
>2 no I dont want to be bullied
>30 kids get shot "randomly"
>1 give up your guns they are not safe!
>2 maybe your right, here
>1 covid lockdowns mate
>2 no thanks
>1 what are you going to do about it, kidnaps you and puts you in a concentration camp
>2 whimpers powerlessly

Thats just the most recent example, Australia

Operation Gladio if you want to see origins of false flag terrorist attacks starting in Cold War

just lurk here for long enough and you’ll start to see how obvious it is, it is a no brainer eventually

>they're not orchestrated, they're just a side effect (glitch)
No, the mass shootings are the desired outcome. They may not know exactly when someone is going to go on a shooting spree, but they have been selected, are being groomed and monitored and influenced. The shooter may or may not know/understand, but its easy to monitor someone remotely via their phone/internet and influence what they see, read, here. They want kids with problems, who get put on antidepressants. Its the drugs that help open them up and make them more controllable, programmable. In many cases years later it is revealed the shooter was interviewed by the FBI. The interview if to help with the profile development, then the monitoring and manipulation begins if they think they have a good candidate. They are constantly farming hundreds of potential shooters. Poor kids with little money suddenly buy $4k work of guns and ammo and other kit.

The concepts are nothing new. There were many movies in the 70s about these types of operations. The Manchurian Candidate, The Parallax View, Telefon, there are many others that "explored" deep state operations and brain washing. Yes these are just movies, but in many cases there is some basis to the concepts or patsy selection, preparation, planning, remote/hidden control, and post operation cleanup.

Obama made it legal for the government to collaborate with the media to spin up totally false events, I think it was somehow included in the NDAA.

>Obama made it legal
Correct, Obama signed the 2012 NDAA and in there is language making it legal for the "government" to use propaganda against the American people in America. But the programs for mass shootings were going anyway and being developed for many decades. The NDAA must made the application of the propaganda legal, they were doing it anyway.

Gershon hahahaah man I love you dude. Keep it cut.

jews stage ‘false flag shootings’, etc., in order to sway opinion and implement gun controls, just like they did here in Australia at port Arthur.

There you go, you nigger jew memeflag

i can assure you, they spend too much time and effort to waste an "asset" on what amounts to 18 months of cable news content. they want long term politicians, media personalities and operators. not "something" that burns out at age 16-26. mass casualty events are glitches.

>waste an "asset"
Assets are people like Obama, groomed, monitored, helped along the way. They have hundreds if not thousands of those constantly in the works. They spend a lot of money grooming and getting dirt to control the. The ones that go on shooting sprees are cheap, disposable tools, not nearly valuable enough to be called an asset. The gov has spent 60 years and billions of dollars on research and development of these techniques, it is easy for them to groom shooters. The shooting is the desired outcome, not a glitch. Look at the shooters - dysfunctional, loners, weird, these were never going to be worth any real investment to become a long-term asset like a politician or radio or tv host, or plant in some government agency.

you really don't understand how much spiritual warfare goes into ACTUALLY corrupting a human. it's not just "lets go around asking teachers for a shy 4th grader and 6 years later we have something that one of our teams can run on in november" it takes intense ritual abuse starting from infancy. the finders are real.

Its not like doctors perform religious ritualistic mutilation on almost all male babies without anesthesia ...... oh wait

but who benefits? the government set up a false flag so gun sales shoot through the roof?

They push a schizo conspiracy here that government agents actually do the shootings. This is mostly fake as there is no evidence of this since the 70s and is meant to cover up the current reality that the FBI is widely known to encourage unstable people to commit terrorist acts/shootings. This has been demonstrated and proven multiple times and there is legal evidence of this.