Why did they force you not to date 14 year old girls being a complete man? (20~25 or even 30+)

Why did they force you not to date 14 year old girls being a complete man? (20~25 or even 30+)
Here in Brazil Im almost 30, Ive dated a 14y girl and no one saw any problem with that, the biggest concern is if I was a good guy and not a marginal or any shitskin.
Do you really want to wait for your future gf/wife to have passed the dicks of several men and only be able to have something serious with her later?
And yes, she was a virgin.
pic not related

Attached: fd.jpg (434x893, 96.71K)

depopulation scheme

seething roasties

fresh juicy coochie is the Lord's gift to penis.

Is she doing that whore pose? Bend forward at the waist then back at the spine to make your ass look bigger and stomach tighter.

Imagine the smell.

>Ive dated a 14y girl
And?? You're married right?


Attached: 1606042121303.png (1859x265, 70.75K)

The shape of a real woman

Being older and dating a woman who is younger and a virgin creates a positive power dynamic (assuming that you treat the woman well)
It causes the woman to be more loyal towards the man and that is obviously no good! Encouraging woman to not be whores is bad!


Because then thered be no girls for 14 year old boys to date and develop relationships with
every 14 year old would be soulessly fucking some slimy fatass they dont care about for his money

How much would she go for at an arab auction?

>14yo girls date 14yo boys
This is never the case 85% of the time, girls always go for someone older than them.

She looks 25 from the waist down.

Attached: sauce.jpg (434x380, 43.71K)

Joe actually gave her away to MBS personally last week. He did it for free.



>here's that new fleshlight i was telling you about

the roasties give their vote for leftist parties because the leftists guarantee that the roasties will get dick. the only way to ensure that men fuck the roasties is to make it illegal to fuck young cuties between the age of 12 and 18. and even then men are socially pressured not to date women who are more than 5 years younger than them. it's all simple.. the government gave the roasties the right to vote and literally buys their vote buy giving them dick and social protection.
roasties vote for the leftist parties and those parties can continue the globohomo reform. so.. here you go. that's why we live in a globohomo faggot world. roasties did that for a piece of dick and a chance to court rape any man they lived with for more than a couple of years.

Fuck off you degenerate jungle monkey. You think you're cool because you fucked some 14 year olds? I notice you "dated" them too, you fucking cuck. I'm sure you're getting married to a man next though am I right?