Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965


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Yeah just saw this. Wonder what other lines off stormfront will move into public consciousness

Sponsord by, you guessed it, a jew.

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Make sure you like these tweets and video.

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then stephen miller came on and said that because of the 1965 hart seller act, we no longer have a high trust society, and when society collapses, do you really think the illegals and foreign born "americans" will want to work with you to survive? No they won't because you live in a land of strangers."

Steven Miller is fucking based af I always liked that guy.
>b-b-b-b-b-but (MILLER))))
don't give a fuck you salty fucking faggot he was the only one in the trump administration trying to stop illegals and boot them out he was the only one in the trump admin who told trump that ivanka and jared were both retarded nyc socialites and not to listen to them.

Based. You know he's a Any Forumsack

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you stupid media kike trying to link this place and stormfaggots. POL has been talking ab out hart seller forever because pol isn't retarded and pol always ends up right. Stormfaggots are irrelevant and their leader is race mixing his way through as many thai ladyboi hookers as his good goy shekels can buy him.

He's getting spicy, but he's not going for the jugular until he names the Federal Reserve, mentions the suspicious way all its political opponents died and how the Federal Reserve has manipulated the national economy for the enrichment of its kike members ever since it was established. They prolonged the Great Depression.

>he was the only one in the trump administration trying to stop illegals and boot them out
including even Trump himself

I told you guys he lurks!

Let me get this straight. So this shit happened almost 60 years ago and you're impressed that the controlled opposition cuckservatives are just now mentoning it?

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Ted (((Kennedy))) just like his entire family was a mob connected nigger who sold america out like the stupid potato nigger he was. He worked with pelosi's dad and the cuomo's (also both mobbed up) to bootleg liquor. These faggots are corrupt for like 3 generations now.

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alot of msm know.
and alot of independent medias also.
as well as feds, a massive amount of yids.. 3 letters. pretty much everyone.
if you know politics, you know Any Forums
also alex jones crew is here 24.7

pretty much everyone.
not even making this up.

>including trump himself
correct. Trump got in office and day 1 he cucked to illegals instead of deporting them like he promised he would.



>Native born Americans are already beyond replacement

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>(((fox news)))
the mark of a newfag

>It was to replace REPUBLICAN voters!!!!
>We love our brown spics!


I remember this one time right before an election when he had the opportunity to wreck hunter biden from the laptop leak and he decided against it saying him and hunter were old friends or something and it would be in bad taste. But yeah, I guess this is based? We’re being herded into a race war instead of dealing with these child raping satanists. Really makes you think

You don't say.

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>Tucker Carlson and Fox are pushing white replacement theory again right now. They do this because you pay them carrier fees that immunize them from market accountability.

>Would you have had a volksempfanger channel in 1942? Think about what you're doing.



>This is anti-semitic, white nationalism aired on @foxnews

>Tucker Carlson railed against the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 while giving a full endorsement of the white supremacist "great replacement" conspiracy theory



>Tucker Carlson referencing the 'Great Replacement' by name absolutely aligns with Hitler's beliefs. Hitler considered the book 'The Passing of the Great Race' as his Bible.

>You're a willfully ignorant moron if you think that's a hysterical analogy.


Celler was in office for 50 and pretty much every bill that chipped away at white immigration has his name actually written on it. He is a bigger traitor than Benedict Arnold. Although I suppose he was loyal to his nation.

>it happened 60 years ago only mentioned now
no dipshit, people have been talking about it for decades and the point is that it's now a mainstream talking point that it was the catalyst that started the great replacement of whites. It's also proof that tucker and his people read pol, have researched pol's claims, and found them not to be fallacious at all.

Cool, whatever.Any Forums owes everything to stormfront pioneers. Badmouth them all you want, those of us who know, know.

True if big.

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>this place puts out 95% bullshit so ignore the other 5% that is truth too.

Stephen Miller is /ourjew/
He did a speech railing on the lying press waving his finger exactly like Goebbels.
Evil kikes all wrote articles denouncing him for being a good American.

He also runs America first legal who fights affirmative action. Check them out of you get passed over by a low IQ monkey or faggot.

Thanks big business.Infinite workers,Infinite taxes Infinite growth.

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They have to go back. That's all there is to it. There will never be peace with these animals

>market accountability
this is just liberal fag speak for "we can't lie and slander them or harass them off the air for some reason and we can't seem to get their sponsors to feel threatened enough"

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Remember when Blormpf placed his yid son-in-law in charge of border security?

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Yeah it's a "mainstream talking point" now that whites are 49% of the population (probably less) and powerless to stop it. Wake the fuck up faggot. Fox news is not on your side.

full episode. it starts at the opening/intro.

Nazis aren't the only people who hate wetbacks.

>it was the jews

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They're not going back and neither are we.

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Tucker is sponsored by Rupert Murdoch.

you are a newfag
this board turned on cucker the day he refused to fight election fraud
you should have lurked more

>lines off stormfront

Stormfront hasn't been relevant in over 15 years

It was never relevant.

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It's time to go back

Based jews exist. They know how their fellow kikes operate and they try to tame their inner jew so as not to be a hypocrite.

T.based jew

I'll always be impressed at the leftist slave "ability" to completely ignore a speech and only apply his party approved response to it.
Fuck Tucker didn't even call our der juden.

>a website I personally don't like said something factual
>therefore that factual thing is no longer factual because I don't like it!
Here's another fun fact: One of the authors was a jew from the Communist Party of America

>stormfront pioneers
actually no. all that stormfront does is make shitty memes that they spam here hoping no one will look into the sources they list on their colorful graphs, and then when it turns out they were just trolling, people who actually believed them have egg on their face. Plus stormfront would take donation money from jews because "their money is green and that's all that matters" etc.