Hey, what happened to 3 gorges dam collapsing?

Hey, what happened to 3 gorges dam collapsing?

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burgers gonna (((berg)))

Attached: xi jinping.png (960x704, 1.5M)

It deflected by 56cm downstream, and huge amounts of silt flowed under it. It also has an enormous amount of debris pushed up against the face, which the Chinese haven't even attempted to clear. It's going to collapse, the only question is when.

That has been scheduled for rainy season of 2023 for maximum effect.


They opened the floodgates and fucked up the earths rotation. Flat earths drowned and btfo

What about La Palma? I was promised a Megatsunami

hoover dam too busy catching fire

Same thing that happened to Red Deer event, La Palma volcano, Tonga eruption, and covid.

patched up with speciarl cement made from rice reclaimed from food waste

I knew it.
Nothing ever happens.

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Currently there is an enormous, unsupported lava shelf ready to break off and collapse. Just be patient.

Red deer is happening right now. Tonga eruption actually wiped out a large amount of Tongans.

One more fortnight

the vax threw off my aim, Im trying to get to China cause I have grown to hate the fact they are now making superior and expensive products when my desire was chinkshit I didnt need to store.
Im going to try again this weekend
you jest but that starch and cellose is superior to OSB
No swell and mold issues

Unironically, I've said this 1,000 times,


if it had been an American dam, they would've been too pussy to make that decision, and the dam would've been destroyed, but alas,

>"The belly of the dragon"

I realize you’re retarded so I’ll explain things to you as simply as I can. This board is full of bored autists and neets. We don’t care when things don’t happen,shit , we don’t even remember it 99% of the time. We do these things because 1.we’re bored, and 2.we hate the world so happenings guve us hope that it’s going to end and then everyone else will be as miserable as we are for a change.

To sum it up, we simply don’t care. I’d also like to add that you’re a satanic kike fuck, and that the world is going to end in 5 minutes.

We switched timelines newfag

I should point out that the Huang Ho river is the origin of Chinese settlement in East Asia.

Yet you respond

>they would've been too pussy to make that decision
Well, yes, armed people would eat them alive over that shit
Not really so much of an issue in a place as locked down as China

Attached: 1641248294535.png (855x886, 873.06K)

>armed people would eat them alive over that shit
>Not really so much of an issue in a place as locked down
they wont do shit, have you been living under a rock the last couple years?

Attached: usa_2021.jpg (2500x1667, 3.06M)

No shit faggot. Your reply to mine doesn’t make any sense. I knew you were retarded, but sheesh.

It didn't. Bugman victory.

Yet you still respond

Brush up on your reading comprehension skills you dumb schizo kike. We don’t care that the shit we talk about never happens, not that i don’t care what you have to say about this. I came here to call you a faggot. God damn you’re dumb.

Yet you still respond

All bullshit. But their bank run and collapsing real estate market, real as fuck.

You know you cant bump your own thread, right? And I’m sageing.

monsoon season is almost here kek

>he thinks Americans will do ANYTHING
If only you knew how bad things really are.

Yet you still respond

big if true can i see pics of lava shelf or tell me specificly where it is(country). this sounds like a barrel of fun sense i live inland

They took down all the traffic cams, so nothing will happen

Inside the mind of a kike bot. I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make here. But I’m gonna respond every single time to remind you that not only will you never be a woman, but you’re also going to hell for all eternity.