Why can’t republicans be mainstream again?

Why can’t republicans be mainstream again?
>inb4 “well mainstream is friking gay television and computer, which i know nuttin about, i eat raw corn and thayts what reypublicayn shoul stand for”

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Because the average voter is a 362 pound spic who survives on welfare. They will vote for whoever pays them more. So if that becomes the Republicans, what does it matter?

Do you know how much the demographics have shifted in the past 50 years? I don't know what election you posted or if that's even an election that happened but the country would need to be 70%+ white for that to occur. The Republican party will literally never win an election ever again in another 50 years.

I live in one of the most rural areas in the USA have fiber intertube and am typing this on a Gentoo laptop. Suck it.

The Republicans lose elections because white men don't vote.

>Why can’t republicans be mainstream again?
GOP is milk toast weak dicks

Then maybe republicans should appeal to the average american instead of a bunch of hillbillies? I am sure that if Arnold Schwarznegger ran for president, or was Trump’s VP, California or NY would turn red.

Wrong. Minorites make up 20 something percent of the electorate.

>linuxfag redneck
how come your farts smell like cum?

>average American
loooool. Americans don't even exist anymore.

>dude compromise the truth for votes
I'd gas the GOP along with the dems and kikes, but you're worse than them. Kill yourself

Correct, because whites are the minority.

Then what the fuck would the point of that be? It really would be a uniparty if it's both of them posturing for brown golem votes.

If you can’t adapt to the landscape or change it, natural selection will leave you in history as another miserable bastard

Im not a redneck. Im a hillbilly. Stupid yurt nigger.

>e or change it,
Thats why we need some genocides.
>still promoting adapting for the sake of votes
Kill yourself twice

Republican Party was the party that ended slavery, not a confederate playground

And what a mistake that was.

If you have nothing to add to this thread, you can leave. Otherwise it is spam

>end slavery
>uppity niggers vote for gibs from dems instead
Yea 10/10 play

They were purposely made retarded, as a joke, by jews, and now everyone who is not a cowardly faggot with two brain cells is a Nazi now. Woops jew. Time to breath in the mystery gas.

Mistake or not, this is their history

>pls no bully
Lol no.

Because Jews

And America was at least 80% white at the time. Now it's 40%. Why should I be beholden to a country that no longer exists?

Your retarded useless opinion matters to me as much as vax agenda does, still not taking it

61% of the population is white


>strawmanning my argument once more instead of not making himself look like a child
nigger tier

Is that a joke?

>strawmanning my argument
>after he literally just got dont pivoting to kvetching about the VAX

>Why can’t republicans be mainstream again?

Because of migration. Democrats aren't competitive electorally anymore so they import voters.

We do out in the middle of nowhere Montana

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Republicans are zionist faggots who hate the white working class just as much as the democrats. Everyone can see through the facade now. Every anglo conservative party is the same.

Politics is downstream from culture. Change the culture and you change the politics. I know a lot of people hate entertainment, but it is the main contributor to why a lot of [young] people are left leaning or into socialism. If you make that stuff unpopular in the culture then you will have more right wingers or anti-leftists.