Uh oh... Holohoax bros... I don't feel so good

Uh oh... Holohoax bros... I don't feel so good...

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Is it because you fell for a very stupid con?


Holocaust denial is so cringe.

If it did happen all it does is prove that Jews are wicked and evil because they are betraying their liberators
If it didn't happen it's the biggest fraud in human history and it proves that Jews are wicked and evil
No matter what happened the Jews are still in the wrong

ad hominem


Not as cringe as moving the goal posts as often as they do.
>"holocaust" conveniently doesn't involve gas chambers or ovens anymore. Sticking to 6 million when he official Auschwitz kill count was revised down from 4 million Jews to 1.5 Million for everyone.
>To be a holocaust "survivor" eligible for a special pension you just have to be a Jew who was alive during the war in Europe.

The whole industry around the holocaust is a mafia scam like the ADL. It's faker than Anne Frank's diary.

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Reported to the ADL. Enjoy prison, scum.


Educate yourself shill

Thats it, im filing another report with the ADL. Show your username if you're not afraid, antisemite.

>computer simulation
So basically they made up a bunch of axioms and worked backwards from there to try to invent a scenario

Yes, and they needed people with 8 century of experience to back it up, definitely avaible easily back then during this time of peace.

why is there a moral prerogative to believe a historical event happened? There are aspects of it that demand further investigation, don’t be a faggot

Dont you know that ball point pens existed during WWII?

You don't understand then
The thing is, it's actually fake.
Jews were put in camps, yes - they where considered hostile to germany - but no:
Gas chambers,
Steam chambers,
Shrunken heads,
Human soap,
Human lambshades,
Electric floors,

>historical sources
let’s see what those sources were, should be fun


>Jews were put in camps, yes
prove it
you can't
just another jewish hoax
I bet you think WW2 wasn't a hoax too lololololololol
and that nukes are real LMAO

fuckin goyim I swear to GOD it is insane how gullible you are

Next, you'll be telling me the holocoaster was fake.

Numbers don't add up.

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Kek hahahah

you guys can read the full study here booksc.org/book/47440473/81b709

Who cares. The holocaust is fake.

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