How do you think Donald Trump would have handled 9/11?

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Would have jailed anyone that called it a Jewish operation.

Probably wouldn't have been sloppy enough to hire his brother's security firm for the WTC 6 months before their demolition.

Good evening, Kim

Based Kim knows.

What the swamp told him to do

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Why do you pretend he is that jewed.
Please elaborate.

I think you are a DeSantis shill trying to install an Israel first candidate.

They can't do that in the United States. Especially back in 2000. Still can't now even. Fuck kikes.

Hey Kimmy!

how can the supreme leader be wrong?

Always study their past. Always.

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On Israel's 74th birthday, Trump turned 911 months old and the Buffalo shooting happened.
Buffalo shooting happened on a SATURday and the Tops Friendly Markets logo is a cube/hexagon.

10 days after Buffalo, Uvalde happened
10 days after Uvalde, Gun Violence Awareness Day happened at the same time as this year's Bilderberg meeting

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See the post above yours lol

9/11 vaccine

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I remember that he suggested rebuilding the twin towers exactly the way they used to be so that Americans would not have lost anything to the terrorist. His entire philosophy is about winning and not letting others claim a win over you.

sneed style

I legitimately think he would have dropped several tactical nuclear weapons in eastern Afghanistan

btw let's always remember this

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Send Vicky Nuland to Saudi Arabia.

Got a direct line to Jared at 666 5th Avenue HQ.

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Would have started spreading rumours how Hillary was behind the hijackers.

Probably run up a ton more debt.

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Probably would have at least had the common decency to ban Muslims from coming into the country and kicked out the ones on visas (actual citizens we are stuck with)
And with super patriotic fever at the time congress would have done it