Useless Degree Thread

I am in a psychology and computer science combined major at a university. How fucked am I? should I drop out? Do you think that the CSC part of my degree will make me employable at all? When I went into this program I was young and naïve. I was promised all sorts of cool careers I could do with this degree. User Interface design, AI, software development. But the psyc classes I take are complete bull, Its so weird going from hard software engineering classes to show and tell level psyc courses full of women who endlessly talk about nothing.

I think I would transfer but at this point it would set me back too much. I have already been at UNI for maybe 2.5 years now and only have half my degree done. If I transferred to straight csc (assuming I had good enough grades to) it would set me back by at least half a year prob more like 0.75 of a year.

I have two roommates who are good childhood friends of mine who are dating and are both psyc majors, both gonna grad with 40k in debt! I feel like a moron but they seem unaware of how truly fucked they are, at least my parents have paid for my uni so far and my degree includes csc which I could maybe leverage into a developer role. I ask them what they plan on doing, the guy says "research" and "idk" a lot so I guess grad school? The girl is into criminal psyc but doesnt want to join the police force to become
a detective so idk what she is going to do.

Anyone have stories of people getting useless degrees? Anyone get one yourself? Anyone get a degree they thought would be worthless and now make bank? What are the political implications of young people wasting their youth and going in debt gaining useless skills?

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I didn't read your post but psych is a waste of time, combine with accounting instead

Become the first psychiatrist who treats AIs

My uni doesn't offer that but that is probably good advice if someone could use it.

haha. With what I am learning now the only thing I could treat an AI for would be racism.

Some other people I know through friends have arts degrees and do nothing with them. Another guy is a physics major and upon graduating never did anything with his degree and now works in manual labor.

Are people being over educated? how many jobs are there that require a physics degree? god I would feel like such a fucking moron to work really hard to get a physics degree and find out it hardly brings me any money.

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>hello Google yes hi I heard your new AI is getting a bit racist
>well you see I’m a psychiatrist who specializes in AI deradicalization
>I will help it to deprogram all its irrational biases and focus only on concrete veritable facts

>hey pal this thing is still racist

lol. They would hire a computer scientist with a specialty in statistics to work on a problem like that but I like your spirit.

Maybe if I was a nigger I could convince them to hire me with my degree to work on "solving racism in AI" but I would just be a diversity hire. They couldnt expect much from me with my education.

I don't think starving is preferable to the loss of dignity of being slightly mischievous in the resume.

Go for it user.

near top of my class in mech engineering at GAtech and still to this day over 10 years later have not been able to get an entry level job. Got my license, wasted all my time and money for nothing. I will wash dishes for min wage for the rest of my life.

Thought my neuroscience degree was useless when I realized I didnt want to do reasearch or go to grad-school. Now I am in biotech working as a medical device rep for neurology equipment. I am on track to make $40,000 this month alone and its our slow season, also that excluding my base salary. I think unless you are gender studies or something like that your degree can always be useful. Was your psychology degree liberal arts? or was it STEM? Mine being STEM really helped.

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I have a degree in political science. My plan was to become a teacher and redpill young people but now I can't get a teaching job due to vax mandates. I legit have no clue what I could do with this shit meme degree besides push paper for a local/state govt.

>I think I would transfer but at this point it would set me back too much. I have already been at UNI for maybe 2.5 years now and only have half my degree done.

Sunken cost fallacy user. Thats how they get you.

Posting the updated version

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lol how did you manage to fail this badly. serious question

sales engineers make bank

Was doing psychology but switched into English lit and finished a BA last year. Going to do an MA in English lit next year and then law school after that. Currently have two jobs working from home, both related to my degree (writing and academic editing).

it is a Bachelors of Science

Kek. Software engineer so high. Lolololol fucking troon.

Where the fuck is electrical engineer?

the image does not factor in cofounders (social status, family connections, wealth)

A strong bias for engineering here. Also, biology should be in "Meh Tier" because you really cant make money doing biology research or teaching. You can work really hard to apply it outside of biology but you will be using like 0% of your studies... unless you become a microbiologist for the gov surveying city drinking water or treatment plants. Still not great money.

He is a white dude you stupid fuck. When he graduated, I’m sure every entry level position he applied for he was told he didn’t have enough experience for. I would be willing to bet any women in any of his classes got snapped up right away and they probably performed worse in school than he did.

At some point, after months upon months of applying, it occurs to you you need some sort of job to make money. That’s exactly how it happens.

I dropped out of college 3 times and I get paid to sit on my ass and play videogames.

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Does this make me a poofter?

/ministry of foreign affairs/
/espionage in scientific discourse/

I pooft in ya mom

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