What is Any Forumss opinion on Dankula?

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I despise e celebs and denounce the talmud

I like mad lads.

Mad lad.

I remember him from like 5 years ago, literally who?

Absolute mad lad being buttfucked by a rigged justice system and profiting out of his enforced demise


Literally Hitler

I have yet to see him denounce the Talmund, so he's a grifter.

Painfully unfunny. Like Steven Crowder if Crowder didnt shower or brush his teeth.

Mad lads series is great.
Seems pretty based overall.

I know nothing about him except that video where he sang about countries. With that said he looks like the kind of friend-of-a-friend who is an alcoholic dealing with some real trauma and self-hatred. He drinks himself silly and he’s fun to be around but it’s also awkward, because you’re witnessing a slow train wreck and you don’t know him well enough, nor do you really want to, to make the effort to try and persuade him from drinking.

He looks at you. His clothes fucked. Hair and beard fucked. An amused but dad look in his eyes. And you just force a smile back and talk with him and the others until he eventually gets blackout drunk.

I would like to see a time stamped video of him denouncing the Talmund.

degenerate communist that should eat a bullet

His talking points are ok, but he loves himself too much, which makes it unwatchable for me. Shame. Many such cases

i think you are mistaken him for vaush

Nope. He says he's an ex-communist but to be an ex, others would need to accept it and once a communist, always a communist.

Heard the cunts related too Thoth

Vaush and that faggot hasan are too good for a bullet , something more painful...

Attached: 9CFD5721-97F3-496D-B721-DD32A49E83E1.png (1089x776, 1.26M)

He passes my test of a reasonable-enough person in that despite the fact he's a libertarian he hates abortion and dunks on babykilling thots.
Other than that he's kinda funny, mostly normie so I don't really pay that much attention to him

He isn't trying to do politics. He's a fun guy who is vaguely allied with our side. He's willing to engage dissident right figures unlike others from that scene and era (eg. Sargon).

>i...i... just didn't know any better g...g...guys
>please forgive
Once a communist, always a communist.
And there's no doubt he's a degenerate.

Decently funny, glad he doesn’t seem to lean very much into politics these days

I watch his second channel while having lunch several times a week. Seems like a comfy guy.

Have you noticed the influx of commie flags lately? Repulsive subhumans.


Justice Dankula best Justice

I thought the Nazi pug video was funny