Should the federal government allow trans people to change the sex on their birth certificates...

Should the federal government allow trans people to change the sex on their birth certificates? I think they should because getting castrated allows gay people to hide who they are and thus avoid homophobic persecution.

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Is it gay to suck a girlpickle? Why are there so many men who say things like "I'm attracted to cock but not to men"?

No faggot. You will never be a woman. You will always be a man. You are a delusional faggot with a mental disability. Dilate, sneed.

many of them are legally women already and why would they care what you think?

If there is a draft to fight another war I am going to be trans to get out of it until the war is over. We all know women never have to fight and being trans makes me a woman. By the way, when all the guy go over to the meat grinder I will also be gay - to have sex with all the other women staying behind. I'll send you lots of pics to look at while you bleeding out.

this is a good point - straight men are disposable meat shields in a way trans women will always be protected against

What is with all you faggots

Birth certificate no. Death certificate yes.

>Should the federal government allow trans people

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If gender is a social construct then there is no such thing as gendered genitalia or breasts. What purpose does transitioning serve, then? Why does a woman with a girl penis and no breasts need to do anything to be affirmed as a woman?

>should the feder-
It shouldn't exist in the first place.

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body modification to make them feel better


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diogenes would fucking hate you
keep his name out of your whore mouth


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Absolutely not

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If you cut your dick off your sex should just change to "n/a" on your birth certificate

>is sucking a guys dick gay



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This is a horror story why the fuck do we promote this shit!!!! I couldnt even read more than one fucking sentence before internally dying!!!

She's pretty cute :-)

But you don't need trans rights to body modify, just as you don't to get breast augmentation surgery. You do have to be 18 though, I believe. Clearly the body modification must be a separate issue to their gender affirmation

Yeah pretty much, if you interact with it in anyway you’re definitely a fag. If you just fuck and toss and or get your dick suck you could argue that you’re in it purely for dominance like the ancient Greeks but you’d still be a fag Obi my eyes

What a fag

but it's a girls dick!

Yeah, I think they should, that way you'll be an infertile, chimeric horror to yourself and others, and just knowing that the daily pain of you having to dodge mirrors and choke down vomit every time you smell your own rotting crotch, the stench of which will never let up no matter what you do, is of immense joy to me. To think of you trapped in a Hell of your own making gives me such a high of schadenfreude that it literally motivates me every single day to be as racist, homophobic, and especially transphobic as I can possibly be. Your suffering makes me a better person. And the best part? When I die of old age with my wife and kids, I will go to a Christian heaven, and when you die of an inevitable suicide in your mid-30's, childless, friendless, and alone, you will go to a Christian hell. The best ending to the happiest story I've ever heard.