If your IQ is 95 or below, you should be sterilized immediately. Are you ok with this...

If your IQ is 95 or below, you should be sterilized immediately. Are you ok with this? I ask because I assume the majority of you fall in this bracket. It's the correct eugenical thing to do, you can't be based and redpilled if you don't like this idea

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Everybody should be sterilized. If you don't agree then your IQ is too low.

your utopian sterilized society would never work because all successful societies must have cannon fodder and slaves

sorry for being low IQ, user

>all successful societies must have cannon fodder and slaves
How is keeping slaves and fodder around any indication of success? Surely you'd just want everybody as good and efficient as possible, both in terms of society and military?

Fuck off, subhuman, thank Hitler for wrecking pooland's ass in they way Nazis did.

I definitely agree. If it were implemented globally it would solve most of the worlds problems.

But how do you explain highly intelligent criminals for example?

>all successful societies must have cannon fodder and slaves
>implying eunuchs can't be slaves and cannon meat

or the range between 100-120 I would say

Let's assume that this sterilization would work on a global scale, so that all first world countries wouldn't be immediately swarmed with niggers.
>all low IQs get sterilized
>midwits lack the instinct to have kids - they either use protection, or abort their babies
>outlier high IQs are often nurturing kind of people and K-strategists, but at most they would have like maybe 3 kids - not enough to sustain a population and make up for midwits' losses
>population would grow older as no one would be having kids; age of mortality would go down
>lack of low IQs would mean that there would be no one to do manual labor. Society would collapse within few years due to lack of upkeep in many areas

On the other hand if you were to sterilize midwits' (105 to 125 IQ) then no one would suffer:
>most of them work shitty tech job, they don't produce food, or do anything that's necessary for survival
>at most you wouldn't get your yearly shitty AAA games and new iphones
>outlier high IQ would be able to do real work and come up with serious inventions thanks to the lack of baggage of narcissistic conformists blocking them from academia for not fitting in with the midwits
>the problem of "racism" would disappear immediately. There also wouldn't be any trannies and other freaks around
I seriously can't think of anything negative that would come from sterilizing midwits.

How do you propose we go about sterilizing them?

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The delusion here is brilliant.

Why are all super intelligent people always skinny, weakling faggot nerds tho? So your idea of a perfect civilization is just a bunch of them ruling over whoever is left? 'High IQ' people never do real work either, find me one scrawny four eyed nu-man that works on an oil rig, or farms fields or something?

The ugly truth is, men with high IQ are having steralization to protect themselves from whores whom want to have easy living.
> if you got an IQ > 125, get cut asap

If you are a Pole, you should save us all the trouble and gas yourself.

>Why are all super intelligent people always skinny, weakling faggot nerds tho?
in my experience they either don't care about their health at all, or go full autism mode and dedicate big part of their life to working out consistently and never touching sugar. Outlier high IQs vary in their behavior a lot due to many of them having metal illnesses.
>High IQ' people never do real work either, find me one scrawny four eyed nu-man that works on an oil rig, or farms fields or something?
They don't, but they are the only ones who can invent things due to their outside of box way of thinking and unpredictable behavior patterns.
>So your idea of a perfect civilization is just a bunch of them ruling over whoever is left?
It's better for civilization to be ran by outlier high IQs with good spatial intelligence, as opposed to politicians with just midwit verbal intelligence and average spatial IQ.

120 here
Also 5'6 and 1/4 jewish. Are you sure you want me breeding over some 6'2 blonde 80IQ chad?

Idk man 120 is pretty high and i'm poor as shit with sub 0 motivation

My IQ is 119 according to the Mensa test.

High IQ people are just master predator parasites with no self-awareness usually. More often than not.

It would follow one would say a thing like that.

Scenario A is literally Islam and the result is a collapse ~ every 4 generations because of elite overproduction.

Pretty sure Mensa is the only organization that does IQ tests. Also pretty sure they created it.

do need sterilisation
already doing my part for "society" of my own free will
get rekt


openpsych IQ test on the internet is decent and pretty accurate as far as internet IQ tests go

Fine by me.

I'm tall, blonde and high IQ, why don't I breed for both of you?

Rome? Greece? The jewish empire?

I took an internet mensa test i think. Someone posted the link here one morning. Was just a bunch of patterns, which surprised me since i never took one prior. I got 120, but i also just woke up and was in the process of blasting metal and drinking my morning coffee.