Pleas explain why ancient China, India, and Mesopotamia, as well as South American civilizations...

Pleas explain why ancient China, India, and Mesopotamia, as well as South American civilizations, were pristine - arising on their own - while Western/Northern Europe was undeveloped, stagnant, and "behind" comparatively; why they didn't catch up until several centuries ago. What is the reason or cause for this?

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So, white people are brand new and quickly took over? None of the religious books predicted it?

they say knowledge is power,
and its seldom more true than in war

and war is the best catalyst for innovation
most of these civilizations didnt went to war against enemy constantly trying to one up one another

>What is the reason or cause for this?

Internal wars until this day Euros kill each other, All Europe included Spain should be isolated until they learn how to deal with each other.

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Look memeflag nigger all history is fake, and the fake history only goes back around 4-5k or so they say.


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Glaciers, you meme-flag fag

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Sorry to break it to you faggot but all of the south american civilizations worshipped a WHITE, bearded man who taught them how to be civilized

>wypipo explain this meme i found on the internet

All of the civilizations you named had white people during their golden ages.
There's legends about them, and blonde and red haired mummies found.
Prosperous or civilized browns are a lefty meme, the noble savage doesnt exist.

oh right they just found it in a cereal box

>we invented everything ever you were sticks and stone cavemen lol
>y-you colonized and enslaved us because we LET you
this cope lol

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>well you see, everything you can think of has some influence of unknown origin that might have come from a faraway culture so whites really can't take any credit at all for anything

Thanks for informing me! As a middle eastern foreigner I will leave Europe immediatly since now I know their welfare programs will not sustain long enough so I can have a fulfilling future here.

And the POC is still LARPING and coping, especially the fake jews.
It never ends.

Pretty much everything on the left and some of the stuff on the right were invented by europeans for example Phoenicians that invented the alphabet are genetically european many of these inventions were developed independently among different cultures.

I heard the Chinks had random shit in their gunpowder like powdered garlic.

You seem to assume that the modern demographics are what inhabited those regions during the bronze age. However there is evidence that white people were living in many other regions beside europe during the bronze age. For example Phoenicians are genetically european Hitites have a language and culture that is related to greek and are likely genetic relatives as well as tocharians in china even some of the Egyptian pharaohs have red hair. If anything white people are not given enough credit for what they have historically accomplished.


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I thought that Luppis had invented the torpedo

>Gobekli Tepe
>ancient Sumer
>ancient Egypt
>ancient Mediterranean
>Mohenjo Daro
>ancient China
>ancient Mayans
>ancient Levant
>all non white creations
>"Holy molly, willy. All them ancient chaps were white, we created empires in the sun ridden desert where we get skin cancer today, slippity sloppity slappity"
Why do cumskins steal other people's story and achievements?

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Ching chong.

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Ping pong.

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>while Western/Northern Europe was undeveloped, stagnant, and "behind" comparatively
Nice try jew, but they werent. Romans copied some smithing techniques and some battle tactics from the northern europeans.

Europe was decentralized and tribal but they had writing and advanced smithing techniques and other craftsmen.


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