You don't actually drink tap water...right?

you don't actually drink tap water...right?

Attached: tap water.jpg (1921x962, 117.25K)

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Only rainwater and pure grain alcohol.

Attached: GeneralRipper.png (800x571, 59.06K)

yeah i drink tap water and i also microwave max and sleep next to my router, phone and microwave oven

I do.

I put it through a Brita. Id drink tap water but it's so incredibly bad here

Yes. My water comes from 175 feet below the ground. Ice cold and delish.

Wroooong hahaha

No, I exclusively drink black cum

Tap water contains chemicals and microplastics that destroy your health. Don't drink it.

Whats the alternative?

This reads like ass

"Fluoridation is the most monstrously dangerous plot we ever had to face"
You can almost entirely ignore the right side because the left just works. What a shitty image.

I filter it.


I don't have a fluoride filter so yes. I prefer that to any bottled water that has been in plastic and heating when transported in trucks under the sun, that's a much worse poison.

Get a berkey poorfag

No, I have a well.

Hope you dont live in Montreal m8

Attached: 2022-07-19 14_30_57-Estrogen levels skyrocket in river around Montreal_ researchers _ CBC News.png (925x588, 39K)

Fuck no but my shit for brains co-workers make the company coffee with this shit and you can notice a residual film floating in the coffee pot. I always dump that shit out and make a fresh pot with spring water out of the water cooler. I get the monthly mineral content report from out municipal water provider and it's always over or near the allowable tolerance for heavy metals and toxins.

Spring water from Florida aquifers only. My well hit deep. No need for salt filters. Good stuff.

Why shouldnt I
tap water in Germany is absolutely high class quality, especially near the alps where I live
No chlorine, no fluoride
In fact it is even better quality controlled then all this bottled Nestlé etc. shit

Nope. Revere Osmose and a pinch of good salt is all i need. Thanks.


HAve fun:

München. Leitungswasser ist laut einer Studie in manchen deutschen Regionen stark Uran-belastet. In 150 von 8000 Proben der Verbraucherorganisation Foodwatch lag der Anteil des giftigen Schwermetalls über dem Richtwert des Umweltbundesamtes von zehn Mikrogramm Uran pro Liter Trinkwasser, wie das ARD-Magazin "Report München" am Montag berichtete. Teils seien es mehr als 20 Mikrogramm gewesen.

I dont live in burgercountry or bongland so it doesn't affect me

Lmao @ 3rd world shithole

We're falling apart fast Suomi bro. Our infrastructure is severely neglected.

Of course I drink lots of tap water! I've had COVID 6 times, cholera 4 times and [s] polio [/s] gullien-barre, so I must stay hydrated.

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